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Baha’i , a religion made by colonialism against Islam

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:Paying attention to the effective and influential power of colonialists, their requirements must be considered as a basic variable in the growth and development of the sect that are related to their interest, such as Babism and Baha’ism. In other words, the recognition of the position of these sects is needed to pay attention to their performance for colonial powers. In the following article, apart from introducing the mentioned sect briefly, the colonialists\' aims in strengthening these sects and exploiting them have been studied and investigated.

Colonialism and its cult making

Baha’i , a religion made by colonialism against Islam

By: Maryam Rafiee

Paying attention to the effective and influential power of colonialists, their requirements must be considered as a basic variable in the growth and development of the sect that are related to their interest, such as Babism and Baha’ism. In other words, the recognition of the position of these sects is needed to pay attention to their performance for colonial powers. In the following article, apart from introducing the mentioned sect briefly, the colonialists\' aims in strengthening these sects and exploiting them have been studied and investigated.

One of the apparent characteristics and specifications of Babi ( and Baha’i which is originated from it is dividing it info sect, classifications and branches continuously. Any way , originally Babi was one of the branches that occurred in Sheikhi group and among the followers of sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed Kazem Rashti and it was followed by enormous confrontations  with the other branches of this group(under the leader ship of Haj Muhammad Karim khan Kermani and Mirza shafi\'a Tabrizi and... in Kerman, Tabriz and the other cities of Iran).some researchers believe that the Bab and Baha event ,has acted as a cultural bomb among Muslims during their history that is an interesting change and it is worth to pay attention.

In investigating the gradual transition movement of these two sect, Bahai and Babi, it is observed that after Mirza Ali Mumhammad Shirazi\'s(Bab)death who was the founder of Babi, a lot of dispersion were developed and different sect were created. Although, this sect making didn\'t end in destroying of dominant culture of Shi’ite and the unity of Islamic society in our country, it separated several of people from the body of faith authority dominated in the country and this action was beneficial for west colonialism.

Sects and branches of Babism and Baha’ism

After the death of Ali Muhammad Bob, numerous dispersions were created. The important dispersion was created between his two followers: Mirza Yahya Sobh Azal and Mirza Hussein Ali Baha . This action divided his rite into two basic branches: Azali sect; Sobh Azali\'s followers who were faithful to Bab\'s rite and Baha’i sect who tended to Baha and thought that he is the only reformer  and the promised person whom God appears in him stated in the Bayan Book. Meanwhile, Sobh Azal and Baha were brother and they were in the Cooperation with preaching Babi But after rivalry and dispersion which was created between them for presidency of Babis, they resort to enmity, hostility and aspersion (and even preparation for assassination of each other).

The interpretation of this event must be searched in their books and their followers.

a) Azali sect

The doctrine of Azalis is the same as Babis and there aren\'t much differences between them. The only distinguishing aspect is that they believe in Sobhe Azal as the Bob\'s successor this sect is also called as Babi. Azali sect was overthrown gradually after Sobh Azal\'s death. The main reason of this event, was rejecting the sect leadership by Mirza Yahya Dolat Aabadi (formal successor of Sobh Azal) but also his advice to Azalis to follow Shi’ite religion that has explained in Hussein Makki\'s book.

Mirza Yahaya Sobhe Azal

B) Baha’i sect

Mirza  Hussein Ali Baha expanded the idea of divinity after arguing with his rival for about 24 years and became the leader of this sect.at the end of his life , he introduced his two son\'s: Mirza Abbas (Abbas Effendi) and Mirza Muhammad Ali as his future successors. But, after Baha\'s death(1309)a severe dispersion was created between Abbas Effendi and Muhammad  Ali. Both of them cursed each other.

Finally,Abbas Effendi could dominate his brother curiously of Baha’i, for 10 years. After Abbas Effendi \'s death(1340),with his daughter\'s attempt and the support of British government in Palestine, his grandson(his daughter\'s son)called Shoghi Effendi (educated in England)became his successor and Baha’i leader, because; Abbas Effendi didn\'t have a son. This succession created arguments and new branches among Baha’is too. this branch was the creating of \"Sohrabi sect\" which its leader was Mirza Ahmad Sohrab lone of the active and noted persons of Baha’i sect at the time of Abbas Effendi and he was among the nearest to Abbas Effendi.

He disobeyed Shoghi and disagreed him. Most of Sohrabi\'s follower are in America now. Furthermore, following Abbas Effendi \'s death, a great number of famous Baha’i missionaries such as Abdul Hussein Avareh, Hassan Nikoo, Saleh Eghtesad, Fazallah Sobhi (Abbas Effendi \'s special secretary and writer) mutinied against Shoghi Effendi and Baha’i credo and returned to Islamic and revealed against Baha’i and its leaders. Shoghi Effendi (the fourth leader of Bab-baha\'s leader)died in London in 1957(1336)when he was 58 and had no offspring. His canadian window, Mr. Roohieh Maxwell, claimed that Shoghi hasn\'t left any will. Information people considered this claim as a doubtful one because Baha’i Credo has emphasized in writing will by its followers. This doubt increased when he had a monopolistic behavior against some of high level people of this credo and Shoghi\'s close co-worker   (such as Meyson Reymi, an American) Shoghi Effendi established \"international Baha’i panel\" (it is memorized as the first embryo of \"had Baha’i\'s great home of justice\") before his death and had appointed Meyson Reymi as a chairman of the important foundation. The other Maxwell\'s action was the establishment of \"home of justice\" without the presence of guardian which was against the clear and continuous emphasis of first Baha’i leaders and practically turned Baha’i to legislating deadlock.

Some of Shoghi\'s followers approved Meyson Reymi (as Shoghi\'s successor) and gave him the title of \"the second guardian\". Meyson Reymi called his group \"Ortodox Baha’i\" and Mrs. Maxwell didn\'t agree with selecting him to this post. The most of Baha’is follow Maxwell now. after a while ,a person called Jamshid Maani introduced himself as the leader of Baha’is under the title of \"Sama Allah\" in Indonesia  and found some fans there and the members of Baha’i coteries of Pakistan joined him too. This adventure didn\'t end and also doesn\'t end with these statements. Apart from the mentioned sects, other sects in Babi and Baha’i doctrine such as Bayani and Merati sects appeared that we can not explain about them completely in the short time.

Nowadays, several groups have separated from Baha’i and continue their activity under the title of Baha’is-ex ,gay Baha’is and reformer Baha’i.

Nowedays,the majority of Baha’is (Rouhieh Maxwell \' followers, Shoghi Effendi\'s window)are administered by the Concentricity of great home of justice in Israel.

The member of home of justice are nine people in every period and in all of the periods, most of the chairs of home of justice were occupied with American and Iranian people .most of this sect\'s followers are in America and India. In addition to these two countries, their establishments have branches in African and Asian countries and are preaching their credo.

(The movement of creating Babi and Baha’i sects from the beginning of Bab\'s emergence to now has shown in diagram1)

The purposes and motivations of colonialism concerning  sect makings

During the history unbreakable reasons and evidences prove that colonialism helped with continuing Babi Credo and especially Baha’i Credo apparently or secretly not in appearance of them and now it helps. It takes a long time to investigate the reasons and evidences of this issue. After familiarizing with so-called valuable sects and branches of this false Credo, this basic question must be noted that what is the benefit of making sect and creating various branches in Holy Islam by colonialism? what are colonialism\'s purposes of strengthening and continuing this issue?

It\'s obvious that the main aim of hegemonism and dominance regime is supermacy on the whole word and exploitation of nations. So, it continually tries to maintain its supremacy on the world through plundering of resources and supplies of countries and weakening their economy. Hegemonics of the world continuously try to destroy any resistance against their wave of greediness in order to keep the relationship of the invasion and conquerability of other communities.

Diagram 1



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