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A deviant cult called Baha'ism which tries to make people accept it as a religion

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:The deviant cult of Baha\'ism headed by \"Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri\" was established in the 13th century A.H. he was born in the lunar month of Moharram 1233 in Tehran city. He was one of first people who believed in Bab. He proselytized for this deviant cult in Noor and Mazandaran. After Bab\'s execution, he claimed for his succession and could create the deviant cult of Baha\'ism by the support of the foreigners. In this article, we are criticizing and investigating this claim:

A deviant cult called Baha\'ism which tries to make people accept it as a religion


The deviant cult of Baha\'ism headed by \"Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri\" was established in the 13th century A.H. he was born in the lunar month of Moharram 1233 in Tehran city. He was one of first people who believed in Bab. He proselytized for this deviant cult in Noor and Mazandaran. After Bab\'s execution, he claimed for his succession and could create the deviant cult of Baha\'ism by the support of the foreigners. In this article, we are criticizing and investigating this claim:

The following reason negate the deviant cult of Baha\'ism to be a religion:

1)Each heavenly religion has a prophet sent down the almighty God. The deviant cult of Baha\'ism isn’t so. Hussein Ali Mirza who has claimed for prophecy doesn’t possess the characteristic of a prophet. There are many reasons including: No prophet predicted his emergence as a prophet of God, not having any miracle, being deviated from God\'s path in his lifetime[1], contradiction in his claims[2] and etc.

2) Each heavenly religion and each prophet has had an independent religion and the holy book sent down by inspiration and the contemporary and former prophets must have obeyed him[3]. The deviant cult of Baha\'ism doesn’t possess this specification, too. What is nowadays called the heavenly books called \"Aqdas\" by Baha\'is is a man-made one. Changing house furniture every other 19 years, assuming usury as legitimate, killing a person who has made another person\'s house are of Bahaullah\'s instructions and orders in the \"Aqdas\" .[4]

3) The true religion of Islam is immortal and eternal. This is a reason for rejecting and negating the deviant cult of Baha\'ism. The following verse [verse 9/ saff surah] is of the reasons indicting Islam is eternal.

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it.[Al-Saaf/9]

4) The holy prophet Muhammad (P.H) is the seal and the last prophet of God. This is a reason for rejecting this misleading cult. God has stated in the holy Quran: …

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing.[Al-Ahzab/40]


the deviant cult of Baha\'ism doesn’t have any characteristic of a heavenly religion. It could just to find a place among the naïve people by merely a claim and being supported by the colonialism. Its ominous result has encompassed the Islamic communities.

[1]- Ayatuulah Mesbah Yazdi, teachinf beliefs, Tehran, The International publication company of Islamic proselytizing, 1378, vol.2, p.54.

[2] -Hussein Ali Mirza claimed for Bahaism, first after a while, he claimed prophecy and at last he claimed divinity. Refer to the book Ganj Shaygan by Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khavari, Tehran, Amri press national institute, p.80 on.

[3] -Ayatullah Mesbah Yazdi, teaching beliefs, Tehran, the international publication company of Islamic proselytizing, 1378, vol 2, p.74.

[4]-Hussein Ali Mirza, Aqdas, p204.

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