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Deceiving the public is an applied factor in Babism and Baha’ism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:The claiming people or groups are trying to use the events in favor of themselves and to pretend them extraordinary; so, there are several instance of deceiving and misusing the public in Bab’s execution event and Babism resistance.

Deceiving the public is an applied factor in Babism and Baha’ism


The claiming people or groups are trying to use the events in favor of themselves and to pretend them extraordinary; so, there are several instance of deceiving and misusing the public in Bab’s execution event and Babism resistance. For instance, during Bab’s execution it was happened: “They shot… ; but Bab fell on the ground and escaped into one of the chambers of garrison as the rope was torn… He made himself hidden there … Because people didn’t see Bab, they shouted… They thought: Has Bab gone to the sky? Has he flown high? Has he become out of sight?... the soldiers were afraid of people’s excitments and attack… consequently their commander found Bab in one of chambers… He took him out…”[1]

The example is the one used by the claimants to misuse as a reason to offer they are true devine and undefeatable. The other historians have written: “The rope which was torn and the Bab’s temporary escape caused people to think he has become absent; so people became ready to attack.”[2]

Thus, Babism and Baha’ism have mentioned such events as divine signs and benevolence. They have said in Tabarsi event: ”Many miracles happened while they were natural and the some-month resistance of Babis in Tabarsi castle has taken place based on violence, terror and assassination and the hidden helps outside the castle (probably by the Russians) one because of the miracles and benevolences.

The fictitious promises caused a group of people to be attracted to Babism. So, Baha’is are constantly calling their faith as religion and saying: “Baha’ism is an independent religion which is parallel to Islam and Christianity and other known religious across the world.”[3]

[1] Muhammad Taqi lesanul Molk Sepehr, Nasekh-alTavarikh, attempt by: Jamshid Kiyanfar, Tehran, Asatir publication, 1377, Vol. 9. PP. 254-255

[2] E’tezad-al-Saltaneh, Bab’s sedition, explained by Abdul Hussein Navaee, Tehran, Elm publication, 1383, p.132

[3] William Hatcher and Douglas Martin, The global expansive faith, Baha’I Ma’aref- institute, Payam publication, p.5.

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