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The wealth of the Iranian land, a donation to American by Abdul Baha

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:When America became so-called powerful in the world misused the energy resources of the third world to advance economically and exploited the man-made elements such as the Baha’ism cult. One of the targeted countries is our dear country, Iran and the disloyal elements are the members of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. So, they exploited Baha’ism made by the Colonialism to achieve their anti-Islamic aims.

The wealth of the Iranian land, a donation to American by Abdul Baha


When America became so-called powerful in the world misused the energy resources of the third world to advance economically and exploited the man-made elements such as the Baha’ism cult. One of the targeted countries is our dear country, Iran and the disloyal elements are the members of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. So, they exploited Baha’ism made by the Colonialism to achieve their anti-Islamic aims.

The shameful coup of Mordad, 28, 1332 was the onset for seditions and disloyalty against our dear country, Iran, by America done for Muhammad Reza Pahlavi to be settled. Several people from the deviant cult of Baha’ism were take on such responsibility.

One of the people was general Ayadi the special physician of the king who was spying for CIA. He had been commissioned to kill Shall if he acted against the American interests.[1] Because Baha’ism was benefited by the cooperation with America, Abbas Effendi started praising and admiring it: “The America part is full of light. It is the source of secrets, the good people and the minded ones.[2]” he even praised the Colonialist: “American people are respectful. The government is just and the nation is extremely chaste.[3]”

In order to prove his friendship, Abdul Baha travel to America and donates the wealths and resources of his land to America and wishes: “There is no way for Iran but having social intercourses and relationship with America to improve its mundane progress. Iran is also a good market for the America businessmen to benefit since the Iranian wealth has been buried under the ground…”[4]

The benefit of the bargain was bilateral: Baha’ism was expended more by its teachings (designed by the Colonialism). America built many Dawning places for the Mention of God [Mashrequl Azkar] in its land and establishing more than 1200 Baha’i centers in the united states spending nearly 2 million dollars [5] and tr4anslating the Baha’i works into different languages to preach the cult.

[1] Ahrar, No 1, Tir, 1358, p.6.

[2] Vali Amrullah, Hesn Hasin Shariatullah, p. 43.

[3] Abdul Baha’s sermons, Vol.2, p.231.

[4] Abdul Baha’s sermons, Vol.2, p.231.

[5] Vali Amrullah, Hesn Hasin Shariatullah, pp. 60-61.

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