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Baha’ism view: Two frequent emergences at the end of the world

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:An article has been sent in one of telegram channels related to the Baha’ism cult. It has claimed that the devine religions have evangelized: “All prophets in the holy books end of the world by which the world will be illuminated and the devine kingdom will be established in the world.

Baha’ism view: Two frequent emergences at the end of the world


An article has been sent in one of telegram channels related to the Baha’ism cult. It has claimed that the devine religions have evangelized: “All prophets in the holy books end of the world by which the world will be illuminated and the devine kingdom will be established in the world. All weapons will be changed into agriculture means. Science and cognition will progress. Human beings will be freed. All nations will be collected under the shadow of unity and the unity of the human world will be established. According to the Baha’ism the first emergence is the Excellency Bab (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) and the second one is the Excellency Bahaullah’s one. (Hussein Ali Nouri)[1]”

It is interesting to be noted that:

1. The author of this article hasn’t offered any reason for the emergence of two saviors in the end of the world. It can be understood that the divine religions have evangelized the emergence of a savior being helped by several people not two frequent emergences.[2]

2. In the posterior part of the article it has been claimed that the divine kingdom will be established in the world by the emergences of two saviors. After the passage of 170 years of the emergence of Ali Muhammad Shirazi, (according to their claim) the divine justice kingdom hasn’t been established in the world.

3. In the posterior part of the article has been claimed that peace has been established in the world by the emergence of Ali Muhammad Shirazi (Bab) and Hussein Ali Baha and the weapons will be change into industry and agriculture means. During the recent 170 years, many destructive wars have happened and are happening across the world; such as World War I and II. Contrary to the author’s claim the weapon trade is one of the most profitable businesses in the world, nowadays.[3]

4. Not only the headmasters of the deviant cult of Baha’ism hasn’t improved the world but also they have been treacherous the oppressed nations along with the usurping governments to plunder the weak countries.[4]

Yes, by the emergence of Imam Zaman, the Excellency Mehdi (May God hasten his reappearance) whom all the prophets have evangelized his coming, justice will cover the world and injustice will be vanished; that is,

اِنَّ اللهَ لا یُخْلِفُ الْمِیعَاد (آل عمران / 9)

Surely, Allah faileth not to keep the tryst

[1] The telegram channel related to Baha’ism cult

[2] For more study refer to Hozeh website

[3] For more familiarity refer to the article “the WorldWar weapon trade: The investigation of the role of weapon trade in the economy of the countries.

[4] For more study refer to the articles in the extensive website of cults, religions, the Colonialism and Baha’ism parts.

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