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Baha’ism is a cult born and continued with deception Part 1

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:The appearance and the activities of this cult in Iran have created many damages for the people and created severe disunity and long crises in the Iranian community from the beginning of its appearance till now. These aims are followed by the northern and southern neightbours of Iran.

Baha’ism is a cult born and continued with deception

Part 1


The appearance and the activities of this cult in Iran have created many damages for the people and created severe disunity and long crises in the Iranian community from the beginning of its appearance till now. These aims are followed by the northern and southern neightbours of Iran. They had gained a great number of interests for them. A deep look at the function of this made cult during the history gives constant pattern to us in the proselytizing strategies of this group. It also shows constant principles for creating mental war against Muslims and the Iranian government. It this report, it is tried for some of the cases to be reviewed based on the historical documents:

1. The appearance of Babism: using the religious sensations and beliefs

The origin of Babism and Baha’ism must be looked for in a cult called “Sheikism”. Sheikism beliefs and thoughts are the forerunners of forming and expanding Bab’s sedition which can be called it as the first step for planning the mental operation for an onset of a crisis.

Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s sedition could grow merely by Shiekism beliefs and created a crisis for a long time in a vast area of the country. For this reason, Bab could attract several Sheikis by exploiting Sheiks’ beliefs concerning this issue that Imam’s spirit can enter into another person.

The Aqdas book

2. Making literature

Making an extensive religious literature and comparing it with the holy Quran and other religious books is the second phase of the mental operation of Babis and Baha’is are prosecuted for a long time during different generations. Making literature is filling theoric gap based on the intellectual convincing. It also complete the behavior and the viewpoint change cycle exploiting the religious sensations.

According, Bab’is and Baha’is are trying to pretend their thoughts to be holy by forging and making commandments and beliefs and to justify them well. In this way, Babis and Baha’is have exploited each kind of means to strengthen their followers’ beliefs and thoughts. In this way, Bab (Ali Muhammad Shirazi wrote various books and forged titles and bestowed titles such as Hayy letters and played with numbers and made some rites for his religion. He divided a year into 19 months and each month into 19 days.

During his activity periods, he wrote several books such as “Qayyoumul Asma or the interpretation of Jusef Surah”, “Beinul Harameyn’s treatise”, “the interpretation of Kousar Surah”, “the interpretation of Asr Surah”, “The cow Surah interpretation”, “Adlieh book”, “The seven reasons”, “Five dignities”, “The Arabic Bayan”, “Heykalluddin tablet”, “the Persian Bayan”, a part of the first spot or Noqtatul Aoula “and … . Also, Baha has written some books such as “Iqan”, “Aqdas”, “the collection of Ishraqat”, “Ibn-al-Ze’ab’s tablet”, “Badi’a”, “the collection of tablets” and “the works of the highest pen” and …

Except the main heads, some of Babi and Baha’i men have written different books in confirming their belief and explaining the events of this cult’s disciples.


Simulation is used to deceive the addressee as one of strategies of mental operation. In this regard, it is attempted to approach it; so that, the simulation will be formed in the addressees’ minds. Consequently, we observe that Bab was trying to offer several similarities between the prophets and him. For instance, he was perking to be illiterate. For this reason Baha’is are trying to perk that Bab was illiterate like earlier prophets. While Bab has confessed for several times that he has studied. For example, Bab has said: “… the death news of my teacher, Seyyed Kazem Rashti. Before being aware of this news, I had informed people of my dream in which I had heard of his death… .”

One of the other simulation regarding the mental operation is the time when Bab wanted to claim for being Mehdi. He headed off towards Mecca and ordered Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee to go to Khorasan and then to come towards him carrying the black flags. Because, according to the emergence signs, the Excellency Mehdi (May God hasten his reappearance) will emerge from Mecca and a Seyyed from Khprasan will come towards him carrying the black flags.

4- Exaggeration

One of the important area of strength in Bab’s invitation was bab’s powerful and capable disciples. He could attract many followers by induction. Because Bab was out of people’s sights, whether he was in prison or not, people couldn’t understand him and his invitation fully; so they just became aware of him via praising and admiring him by his associates who exaggerated. The masterful eloquents such as Qorratul Ein, Mulla Hussein Boshrouyee, Hussein Ali Nouri, Qoddus and etc. made an amage out of him to such an extent Bab himself couldn’t imagine it.

It is continued…

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