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American’s view concerning the human rights: Supporting Baha’is and kid killer Saudi regime and each criminal factor that aims Muslims

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:Ms. Ros Lehtinen: How do you close your eyes over the most inferior crimes of the Saudi Arabia and the Zionistic regime and the pet groups like ISIS and etc.

American’s view concerning the human rights: Supporting Baha’is and kid killer Saudi regime and each criminal factor that aims Muslims

Amarican Congress

Ms. Ros Lehtinen: How do you close your eyes over the most inferior crimes of the Saudi Arabia and the Zionistic regime and the pet groups like ISIS and etc.

Look at the following photos these Yemeni kids have been killed by the American weapons and the kid killer Saudi regime


A secondary committee related to the Middle East and the north Africa in the representative parliament of the United States of America passed a resolution unanimously in which the America president had been asked to boycott those Iranian officials who are in charge of repressing the Iranian Baha’is.

This resolution which was issue on Shahrivar, 26 by the secondary committee of the Middle East and the north Africa sentenced Iran for the judicial prosecution of several Baha’is and stated: “Iran is continuing ignoring the worldwide treaties of human rights”. Ms. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen the Republican representative of the Carolina state confirmed in a part of his statement that: “we can not close our eyes over the Iran people torments who are under the government of the Iranian leader and the moderate president Hassan Rowhani. The resolution of the secondary committee was issued a day after the open letter of the Baha’i community.[1] For the issue to be clarified, two important notes are being paid attention:

1. According to the statistic announced by the Baha’i centers, the followers of the cult in Iran have been reported to be 300,000 people. Of course the real statistic is 100,000 people.[2]the small number of them are being prosecuted due to spying [3] and violating the rules and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran[4]. Consequently, the criminal Baha’is will be punished like other people violating the rules. It is impossible for them not to be punished because they are minorities or the superpowers become angry.

2. Supporting the criminal regime of the Saudi Arabia by the United States and the remonstrance of the Islamic Republic of Iran have surprised the truth-seekers.

Because the Saudi Arabia government are extensively and unprecedentedly busy killing Muslim people of Yemen and the system of the government of the United States who is claiming the hu8man rights doesn’t react against these crimes; but supports this reactionary government in military and political aspects[5], this question arises:

How is it possible that the human lives of Yemeni people aren’t valuable for the American while they are being killed by the American weapons and they don’t call the voice of human rights. Versus, the American system of government immediately reacts against this issue and expresses anxiety! And uses it as a pressure means against Iran!

Therefore, it can be concluded that supporting Baha’is by the Americans can be enough for them to be spies. Posing the issue of human rights by the Americans is the mere means to exert pressure on the Iranian Islamic system of government not demanding the fulfilment of Baha’i rights.

Have the American representatives forgotten that the Saudi Arabia and Israel are killing Muslims generations in Yemen and Palestine by the American weapons? Why are the representatives worried about several criminal Baha’is but aren’t anxious about the crimes of Israeli and Arabic kid killers… Apparently, they have forgotten that the 11th of September operation by Wahhabis of the Saudi Arabia became an excuse for 14 years of aggression and killing sinless people and kids in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Who are the claimants of the human rights to see the crimes of the Saudi Arabia in Yemen supported by America?

[1] Voice of America, the secondary committee’s plea of Obama: boycotting the Iranian officials who smash the Baha’is.

[2] Novin TV, the name of program: One fifth of Asia

[3] For more study refer to the site the Baha’ism truth, article: proving Baha’ism to spy and serving Israel

[4] Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas, p. 27.

[5] For more study refer to IRIB agency, news code: 1280417, Ansarullah leader: America supports Saudi aggression.

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