The universal house of justice’s advice to the Baha’is to use the cyberspace is a clear contradiction against the Baha’ism principles

Sunday, 09 January 2022 06:14 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The Baha’ism organization calls the Baha’is for maximum proselytizing and avoiding unsuitable materials in the cyberspace while it prefers proselytizing to obeying the governments contrary to the Baha’i commandments although it itself is the founder and supporter of unsuitable behaviors of Baha’is in the cyberspace!

The universal house of justice as the foundation of the leadership of Baha’ism has recently explained about the general role and the organizational one of the Baha’is in the cyberspace using the title of the Baha’is approach in the cyberspace. The Baha’ism organization considered internet as a means for proselytizing and publishing news and Baha’ism teachings quickly and called the Baha’is to have disciplined behavior free from offering false ones which cause misunderstanding: “Internet which provides a facility for expanding materials quickly for many audience is considered as a really suitable means for publishing the news of the faith and the Baha’i teachings. The dear disciples must be aware that wisdom, consciousness and personal discipline are really important using the social media. Because injudicious publishing and unsuitable method or true or false presentation of materials can cause misunderstanding.[1]


1)   Once again, the Baha’is organization called the Baha’is to proselytize extensively using all of its capacities.

2)   In advising to extensive proselytizing by the Baha’is, the Baha’ism organization never use the necessity for obeying the government by the Baha’is. In fact, the Baha’ism organization calls the Baha’is to proselytize using any possible means between the Baha’i orders to proselytize and disobeying the government order by dismissing from Baha’ism.[2]

3)   The Baha’ism organization prevents the Baha’is to present unsuitable and false materials according to itself. However, this message remind us of the insidious behavior of the organization with Ismaeel Pour, one of its wage-earners.

Payam news or the very Baha’i news, one of the rental media of the Baha’ism organization was expanding hate against the Islamic Republic of Iran for several years by the name of the Baha’is allowed by the universal house of justice. A medium which was deported by the universal house of justice after confessing the Baha’is dealing for the Zionists with the excuse of the political activities opposed the Baha’ism spirit.[3]

Nevertheless why does the Baha’ism organization decide to be silent regarding its other media (which follow the Baha’i news activities seriously) if the political activities wasn’t the reason for Ismaeel Pour’s deport?! Is the Baha’ism organization really unaware of the political anti-revolution medium activities of the Baha’is against Islam, Shia and the Islamic Republic of Iran?! How are the Baha’i media now free to make news against the Islamic Republic of Iran if they are not related to the leadership organization of Baha’ism?! However after the new-established proselytizing telegram channel which wasn’t the sub-branch of the organization, the universal house of justice rejected it to be attributed to Baha’ism immediately[4]?!

Yes, the Baha’ism organization has over and over showed that it pursue its policies against the Islamic Republic of Iran contrary to its simulations.



[1] The message of the universal house of justice dated Nov. 24, 2021 A.D., p. 20.

[2] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, pp. 335-336.

[3] For more studies refer to the article: Ismaeel Pour’s return and repeating Baha’i news!

[4] Darul Ensha’ of the universal house of justice, the message of Oct. 12, 2017 A.D. addressing one of the disciples concerning the newly-established channel of the birth day of the Excellency Bahaullah.


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