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Forgotten Verses

Wednesday, 22 February 2017 08:22 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

 of the Baha'i Holy Writings


 Let us examine the scriptures. We will offer very little commentary on the following quotations, just the facts. Decide for yourself what to make of them.


The Guardianship Was Intended to Continue

Shoghi Effendi was the only Guardian of the Baha'i Faith. He had no children.

Tragically, he died without designating a successor or leaving a will.


"It is incumbent upon the Guardian of the Cause of God to appoint in his own

lifetime him that shall become his successor, that differences may not arise after

his passing." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 12.)


"Should the first-born of the Guardian of the Cause of God not manifest in

himself the truth of the words, 'The child is the secret essence of its sire' -- that is,

should he not inherit of the spiritual within him (the Guardian) and his glorious

lineage not be matched with a goodly character -- then must he (the Guardian)

choose another branch to succeed him." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p.



"Unto everyone hath been enjoined the writing of a will." (Baha'ullah. Kitab-i-

Aqdas, paragraph 109.)


Separation of Powers

After the death of the Guardian, Baha'i leaders called Hands of the Cause decided that most of the powers designated for the Guardian in the Baha’i scriptures should be transferred to themselves, and eventually to the Universal House of Justice, which would exercise all power. They persuaded the vast majority of Baha'is to accept this as legitimate.


An alternative possibility would have been to declare that the powers of the Guardian had become null and void in the absence of the Guardianship.

Which way is supported by the Baha’i holy writings?


"Neither [the Guardian nor the Universal House of Justice] can, nor will ever,

infringe upon the sacred and prescribed domain of the other." (Shoghi

Effendi. The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 150.)


"Each [of these two highest institutions] operates within a clearly defined sphere

of jurisdiction; each is equipped with its own attendant institutions -- instruments

designed for the effective discharge of its particular responsibilities and duties.

Each exercises, within the limitations imposed upon it, its powers, its authority,

its rights and prerogatives." (Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi. The World Order of

Baha'u'llah, p. 148.)


Currently, the Universal House of Justice of the Baha'i World Faith exercises various important powers that were originally supposed to be in the exclusive domain of the Guardian: interpretation of scripture, collection and expenditure of Huquq'ullah, expulsion of people from the faith, designation of people as "Covenant-breakers," and impeachment of members of the Universal House of Justice.


There are no verses in the Baha’i holy writings suggesting that the Universal House of Justice can exercise those powers, and in fact, some verses explicitly designate the Guardianship as the only institution possessing a certain power.


Have the leaders of the Baha'i Faith overstepped the bounds of their authority?


"He [the Guardian] is the Interpreter of the Word of God and after him will

succeed the first-born of his lineal descendent." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and

Testament, p. 11.)


"The Lord, as a sign of His infinite bounties, hath graciously favored His servants

by providing for a fixed money offering (Huquq), to be dutifully presented unto

Him... It is to be offered through the Guardian of the Cause of God, that it may

be expended for the diffusion of the fragrances of God and the exaltation of His

Word, for benevolent pursuits and for the common weal." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and

Testament, p. 15.)


"expulsion or excommunication from the Faith, which can be effected by the

Guardian alone in his capacity as the supreme spiritual head of the

community." (Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi. Directives from the Guardian, #216;

Lights of Guidance, #198.)


"excommunication, which lies within the powers of the Guardian

alone" (Shoghi Effendi. Messages to Canada, p. 51; Lights of Guidance,


"Up to the present time, no one has been permitted to pronounce anybody a

Covenant-breaker but the Guardian himself." (Shoghi Effendi.

Messages to Canada, p. 65; Lights of Guidance, #601.)


"Should any of the members [of the Universal House of Justice] commit a sin,

injurious to the common weal, the Guardian of the Cause of God hath at his own

discretion the right to expel him, whereupon the people must elect another one in

his stead." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 14.)



The True Administrative Order

Most Baha'is today see the Guardianship not as a component part of the Baha'i

Administrative Order, but instead as a temporary transitional institution between the Central Figures of the faith and the Universal House of Justice.

Is there supposed to be one single institution, the Universal House of Justice, with all ultimate authority -- or is this a departure from the sacred teachings of the Baha’i religion?


The Guardian and the Universal House of Justice are supposed to function together.

When there was a Guardian and he had not called into being the Universal House of Justice, this was a temporary condition prior to the creation of the true Administrative Order.

Today, Baha'i leaders claim that the true Administrative Order already exists, even though half of it is missing, and it operates as an oligarchy without any checks and balances. Is this a correct understanding of the status of today's Baha'i institutional leadership?


The Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice are the "twin institutions of

the Administrative Order of Baha'ullah" (Shoghi Effendi. The World

Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 148.)


"The twin pillars that support this mighty Administrative Structure -- the

institutions of the Guardianship and of the Universal House of Justice" (Shoghi Effendi. The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 147.)


The Importance of the Guardianship

The Baha’i writings tell us that the Guardianship is actually more important, more

necessary, more vital to the health of the Baha'i faith than the Universal House of Justice. After all, the Guardian is the prophetic successor of Baha'ullah.

Why do the Baha'is believe that their Faith remains perfect and unquestionably guided by God when there is no longer a Guardian?


"Institution of Guardianship, head cornerstone of the Administrative Order of

the cause of Baha'ullah" (Shoghi Effendi. Messages to America, p. 8.)


"Once the mind and heart have grasped the fact that God guides men through a

mouthpiece, a human being, a prophet, infallible and unerring, it is only a logical

projection of this acceptance to also accept the station of Abd'ul-Baha and the

Guardians. The Guardians are the evidence of the maturity of mankind in the

sense that at long last men have progressed to the point of having one world, and

of needing one world management for human affairs. In the spiritual realm they

have also reached the point where God could leave, in human hands (that is the

Guardians'), guided directly by the Bab and Baha'ullah, as the Master states in

his Will, the affairs of His faith for this dispensation. This is what is meant by

'this is the day which will not be followed by the night.' In this dispensation,

divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet's ascension,

through first the Master, and then the Guardians." (Shoghi Effendi.

Quoted in Lights of Guidance, #1047.)


"The mighty stronghold shall remain impregnable and safe through obedience

to him who is the Guardian of the Cause of God. It is incumbent upon the

members of the House of Justice, upon all the Aghsan, the Afnan, the Hands of

the Cause of God to show their obedience, submissiveness and subordination

unto the Guardian of the Cause of God, to turn unto him and be lowly before him.

He that opposeth him hath opposed the True One, will make a breach in the cause

of God, will subvert His Word and will become a manifestation of the center of

sedition." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, pp. 11-12.)


"Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of

Baha'ullah would be mutilated and permanently deprived of that hereditary

principle which, as Abd'ul-Baha has written, has been invariably upheld by the

Law of God. 'In all the Divine dispensations,' he states, in a tablet addressed to a

follower of the faith in Persia, 'the eldest son hath been given extraordinary

distinctions. Even the station of prophethood hath been his birthright.' Without

such an institution the integrity of the faith would be imperiled, and the stability

of the entire fabric would be gravely endangered. Its prestige would suffer, the

means required to enable it to take a long, an uninterrupted view over a series of

generations would be completely lacking, and the necessary guidance to define

the sphere of the legislative action of its elected representatives would be totally

withdrawn." (Shoghi Effendi. The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 148.)


Can There Be a Universal House of Justice?

The elected Baha'i leaders in Haifa call themselves "the Universal House of Justice." But do they really meet the definition of this Divine Institution?


"In all countries a secondary House of Justice must be instituted, and these

secondary Houses of Justice must elect the members of the Universal

one." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 14.)


Currently, there are no secondary or national Houses of Justice anywhere in the world. Only provisional institutions called "Spiritual Assemblies" are allowed to exist, according to the decree of the global Baha'i leadership. These assemblies cannot be considered secondary Houses of Justice operating under a different name, because they are currently denied the authority to exercise many of the rights and powers ordained for the true Bahai legislative bodies. How then can there be a Universal House of Justice elected according to scriptural requirements? Even if the secondary House of Justice were allowed to exist in each country of the world, there still could not be a properly constituted Universal House of Justice, because the Guardian is supposed to be part of this institution.


"The Guardian of the Cause of God is its sacred head and the distinguished

member for life of that body [the Universal House of Justice]. Should he not

attend in person its deliberations, he must appoint one to represent

im." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 14.)


"Though the Guardian of the faith has been made the permanent head of so

august a body [the Universal House of Justice] he can never, even temporarily,

assume the right of exclusive legislation. He cannot override the decision of the

majority of his fellow-members, but is bound to insist upon a reconsideration by

them of any enactment he conscientiously believes to conflict with the meaning

and to depart from the spirit of Baha'ullah's revealed utterances. He interprets

what has been specifically revealed, and cannot legislate except in his capacity as

member of the Universal House of Justice." (Shoghi Effendi. The World

Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 150.)


Furthermore, the Guardian specifically stated that the Universal House of Justice is inseparable from the Guardianship. In the absence of the Guardianship, the Baha’i leaders could create any kind of provisional administrative institution, as long as they do not call it the "Universal House of Justice" and claim the infallible authority of this sacred body.


Considering these verses, do the Baha'i leaders have a right to demand that the Baha'is regard them as the true Universal House of Justice, with all the weighty implications of such a status?


"the inseparable institutions of the Guardianship and of the Universal House of

Justice" (Shoghi Effendi. Citadel of Faith, p. 76.)


The Station of the Hands of the Cause

When the Guardian died, subordinate spiritual leaders he had appointed, called "Hands of the Cause of God," took over the affairs of the Baha'i Faith. Initially, they claimed for themselves all the powers of the Guardianship, and then they claimed the authority to create a Universal House of Justice without any Guardian, altering the requirements for the Divine Administrative Order set down by Abd'ul-Baha and Shoghi Effendi Rabbani in their holy writings and interpretations.


Did the Hands really possess such sweeping authority? Are they infallible? Do the

Baha'is have to accept what they did as automatically correct, even if it conflicts with and supplants previous teachings of the faith?


"The obligations of the Hands of the Cause of God are to diffuse the divine

fragrances, to edify the souls of men, to promote learning, to improve the

character of all men and to be, at all times and under all conditions, sanctified

and detached from earthly things. They must manifest the fear of God by their

conduct, their manners, their deeds and their words. This body of the Hands of

the Cause of God is under the direction of the Guardian of the Cause of God.

He must continually urge them to strive and endeavor to the utmost of their

ability to diffuse the sweet savors of God, and to guide all the peoples of the

world, for it is the light of Divine Guidance that causeth all the universe to be

illumined. To disregard, though it be for a moment, this absolute command which

is binding upon everyone, is in no wise permitted." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and

Testament, p. 13.)


"The Hands (pillars) of the Cause and the beloved of the Lord must obey him and

turn unto him [the Guardian]. He that obeyeth him not, hath not obeyed God; he

that turneth away from him, hath turned away from God; and he that denieth him, hath denied the True One." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 25.)


"Beware lest anyone falsely interpret these words, and like unto them that have

broken the Covenant after the Day of Ascension (of Baha'ullah) advance a

pretext, raise the standard of revolt, wax stubborn and open wide the door of

false interpretation. To none is given the right to put forth his own opinion or

express his particular conviction." (Abd'ul-Baha. Will and Testament, pp. 25-26.)


What Could the Hands Have Done Differently?

Did the Hands of the Cause have any choice other than to promote the new doctrines they did? After all, the Guardian gave them no guidance that could have helped them to decide what to do in case he died without leaving a successor -- right? Wrong. There already was a legitimate provisional institution in existence, the International Baha'i Council, which could have simply been continued rather than being eliminated and supplanted by a dubious "Universal House of Justice."

Furthermore, the Guardian had decreed shortly before his death that the Baha'is should work towards the establishment of an International Baha'i Court -- another provisional institution, preliminary to the eventual establishment of the Universal House of Justice when the faith reaches maturity.


All of this has been forgotten! The Council was disbanded and the Court was never created -- but instead, we have an incomplete and non-scriptural UHJ that claims to be the full fruition of the Baha'i Administrative Order.


Did you even know the following teachings existed?



"The International Baha'i Council, comprising eight members, charged with

assisting in the manifold activities attendant upon the rise of the World

Administrative Center of the faith, which must pave the way for the formation of a Baha'i International Court and the eventual emergence of the Universal House

of Justice, the supreme legislative body of the future Baha'i

Commonwealth." (Shoghi Effendi. Messages to the Baha'i World, p.



"the evolution of the World Center of the faith of Baha'ullah -- a process which

the newly formed Council, now established at its very heart, is designed to foster,

which will gather momentum, with the emergence in the course of time of a

properly recognized and independently functioning Baha'i court, which will

attain its consummation in the institution of the Universal House of

Justice." (Shoghi Effendi. Citadel of Faith, pp. 94-95.)


"the formation of the Baha'i Court, essential prelude to the institution of the

Universal House of Justice." (Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi. Messages to the Baha'i

World, p. 13.)


The creation of the Universal House of Justice "is to constitute the last stage in

the erection of the framework of its [the Faith's] world Administrative

Order." (Shoghi Effendi. God Passes By, p. 411.)


The so-called Universal House of Justice was created in 1963. No Baha'i Court was

created. There has not been a gradual development of the Baha'i Administrative Order along with the progress of the faith, as envisioned by the Guardian. Instead, there was a sudden, premature creation of a questionable UHJ -- purportedly to protect the unity of the faith in a time of uncertainty -- but in fact ensuring that many Baha'is would reject the Baha'i World Faith organization,  that competing sects would be created, and that disruptive reform movements would become necessary. Couldn't this troublesome fate have been avoided? If only the Baha'i leaders had acted with more wisdom!



Arrogant Bureaucracy

Is the Baha'i Faith supposed to be a highly bureaucratic religion, with heavy-handed topdown control? Many Baha'is become alienated from the Faith today because of such a spirit prevailing within the Baha'i community. But is this the spirit of the original teachings?


"Your Assembly must be very careful not to over-load the Baha'is with rules and

regulations, circulars and directions. The purpose of the Administration at this

time is to blow on the fire newly kindled in the hearts of these people who have

accepted the faith, to create in them the desire and capacity to teach, to facilitate

the pioneer and teaching work, and help deepen the knowledge and

understanding of the friends. The beloved Guardian issues this word of warning,

as long experience has shown that it is a tendency on the part of all National

Spiritual Assemblies to over-administer. In their enthusiasm they forget that they

only have a handful of inexperienced souls to guide, and attempt to deal with

their work as if they had a large population to regulate! This then stifles the spirit

of the friends and the teaching work suffers." (Shoghi Effendi. Quoted

in Japan Will Turn Ablaze!, p. 67; Lights of Guidance, #134.)



Baha'is today would be excommunicated from their religion for pointing out the

scriptural passages in this article and seeking to reform the Faith according to such teachings. In fact, Baha'is are often disciplined or pushed out of their religious community simply for expressing ideas that conflict with the viewpoints of those bureaucrats who hold power in the national and international organization.



Who Is a Baha’i?

Does a person necessarily have to accept a certain religious organization in order to be a Baha’i? Consider what Baha'ullah and Abd'ul-Baha have to say. They, after all, are the true sources of spiritual authority -- and we should take what they say more seriously than the viewpoints of bureaucratic administrators.


"Every receptive soul who hath in this Day inhaled the fragrance of His garment

and hath, with a pure heart, set his face towards the All-Glorious Horizon is

reckoned among the people of Baha in the Crimson Book." (Baha'ullah. Book of

the Covenant. Published in Tablets, p. 220.)


"It makes no difference whether you have ever heard of Baha'ullah or not. The

man who lives the life according to the teachings of Baha'ullah is already a

Baha’i. On the other hand a man may call himself a Baha’i for fifty years and if he

does not live the life he is not a Baha’i. An ugly man may call himself handsome,

but he deceives no one, and a black man may call himself white yet he deceives

no one: not even himself!" (Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 106.)


Abstract from Eric Stetson Baha’i-Faith.com -- Ex-Baha'i Christian Testimony



1.     Really Eric is true followers of Independent Investigation of Truth, the Baha’i faith is completely off track from teaching of Baha’u’llah if this was really a faith then prophecy of Baha’u’llah and Abdul Baha would have been fulfilled, Abdul Baha in his Will and Testaments clearly emphasized on importance of Guardianship, and his Grandson completely neglected the appointment of next Guardian, and on what ground Hands of Cause of God gathered in Haifa and elected Universal House of Justice..?


2.     Because of manmade Universal House of Justice, whenever one Baha’i raised question he will be under the radar of UHJ and will be excommunicated, whereas teaching says it is right of Guardian alone.


3.     Stop paying of Huququllah as that too is right of Guardian, this holy money of faithful is used for some paid officers (Councelors ABM) and in the name of travel teachers’ money is used for paid vacation.


4.     In fact it is not faith it is a Beurocracy under the name of religion, new faithfull are first tought to obey UHJ, teaching of Baha’u’llah has been kept a side, don’t trust me..?  ask any new comer to faith, his first pledge will be obidiance to UHJ, whereas Baha’u’llah, Abdul Baha, Shoghi Effendi clearly says UHJ has no standing without Guardian as head,



Gamal Naseer






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