Blessing of Having Imam of the Time

Tuesday, 11 April 2017 11:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

 Having Imam of the Time is of valuable spiritual blessings of God we do not appreciate enough. He does not exclusively belong to any certain group but to the entire mankind. He intermediates divine blessings. Everything anyone has is due to his being but most people do not know him and are not in connection with him.

One reason for this great loss is that people do not know the Imam properly and miss the real meaning of respecting him.

By properly recognizing him as watching our deeds, we never do what he despises and on the other hand those lacking this recognition refer to their inner negligence and commit many sins.

They are referents of the following tradition:

“Whoever dies without knowing the Imam of his time, has died in negligence.”‌

Another reason for committing sins while aware of the presence God and Imam of the time is our carelessness. We know God and Imam of the time and feel their presence. Despite recognizing the Imam and trying not to be away from him, we do things that cause God and the Imams to be unsatisfied with us. This is due to our carelessness. We should do something to prevent this carelessness.




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