Can Baha’is Answer?

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   Baha'ism does not pass the test of Truth

That is

The Holy Quran

The Baha’i faith says that the Holy Qur’an is from Allah but it is abrogated now and not in force.

       However when the Qur’an is acknowledged by the Baha’is as from Allah, then CERTAIN TRUTHS CANNOT BE ABROGATED, like the concept of One Allah cannot be abrogated.

Therefore, BAHAISM has to abide by CERTAIN TRUTHS OF THE HOLY QUR’AN. In the light of this test, let us see how Baha’ism can pass  THIS TEST OF TRUTH.


Pharoah's Mummy

Man is not number 1 creature

Number of months is 12 and not 19

Four Sacred Months

Baha’is  include  St. Paul  in  the  List  of True  Apostles whereas in the light of Qur’an, Paul is a Disbeliever




CreationPage-162 “Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah” (1983 edition) : The one true God hath everlastingly existed, and will everlastingly continue to exist. His Creation, likewise,  hath had no beginning,  and will have no end.


On Pages 208/209 of the Book “Baha’u’llah and the New Era” 3rd edition written by J.E. Esslemont and published by Baha’i Publishing Trust in April, 1970 it is mentioned: P208 (1) “Baha’u’llah teaches that the universe is without beginning in time”.

P208 (2) “It is a perpetual emanation from the Great First Cause”.

P208 (3) “The Creator   always   had his creations”.

P209 (4) “If we could imagine a time when no beings existed, this imagination would be the denial of the divinity of God.

Moreover, absolute non-existence cannot become existence. If the beings were absolutely non-existent, existence would not have come into being”.


The Holy Qur’an in Sura Hadid 57, Verse No.3 S         “He  (ALLAH)  is the First”

If the universe has no beginning according to the two Bahai Books, on Pages 162, 208 & 209, it means that the  universe is unbegun  just as  Allah is also unbegun.  Then how can Allah be the First?  This is denial of one of the Most Valuable praise and glory of Allah.


Only Allah is UNBEGUN.

Allah says in Sura “Az-Zumar”, Verse 62 that: “Allah is the Creator of all things”. If Allah has created everything, then Necessarily all creations have a beginning. Every single creation is begun. Only Allah is UNBEGUN.

If creations have no beginning then how can we say that Allah has created everything?

Since Allah has created everything, then necessarily everything has a beginning. 

In extract no 4 of Page 209 (quoted above), the Baha’ism Book says: “If we could imagine a time when no being existed, this would be denial of the Divinity of God”.

However it is our faith that God has created INITIALLY out of nothing because Allah says in Sura Az-Zumar (39) Verse 62  “Allah is the Creator of all things”.

It necessarily means created initially out of nothing. Because if any original material existed from which other things were created, then this would mean that Allah did not create that original material. BUT this faith will be against the Holy Qur’an which says: “Allah is the Creator of all things”  (Sura Az-Zumar 39, Verse 62).


Test # 2

Pharaoh’s  Mummy


In Verse 92 of Chapter Yunus (10) when Pharaoh was drowning Allah said: “So this Day We deliver thee (Pharaoh) in thy body, so that you may be a sign unto those after thee”.

Allah in the above verse says that He has preserved the body of Pharaoh to be a sign unto men. Before this sign becomes visible unto men, how can the Holy Qur’an be abrogated???  Pharaoh’s Mummy was discovered in the year 1898 A.D. & Baha’u’llah died on 29th May 1892. So Baha’u’llah died 6 years before the mummy of Pharaoh was discovered. Baha’u’llah had no right to abrogate the Holy Qur’an until Pharaoh’s body was visible to men.


Test # 3

Man is not No.1 Creature


Page-179 “Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah” (1983 edition) : “Man, the noblest and most perfect of all created things”.

The Baha’is think that man is No.1 creature, i.e. man is above all other creatures in status.

But the Holy Qur’an says in Sura Bani Isra’il Verse 70 “We have preferred them (Children of Adam) over many of them whom We have created with a preferment”.

So man is better than many creatures,  but not all  creatures. This means that there are creatures better than mankind. Mankind is not No.1 creature.

Baha’ism has failed in Test No.3.

So Baha’i faith is wrong and therefore not from Allah.


Test # 4

Number of Months is 12 & not 19


Allah has said in the Holy Qur’an that the number of months with Allah is 12.

Baha’is have 19 months in one year.

In the Holy Qur’an Sura Tauba (9) Verse 36 is as follows:-

“Verily the number of months  with Allah  is 12 months

(ordained) in the writ of Allah

on the day  whereon He created the heavens and the earth”

------ The number of months was twelve with Allah NOT AFTER the Holy Qur’an was revealed BUT on the day whereon He created the heavens and the earth------ So even if the Qur’an is abrogated, the number of months MUST REMAIN 12 AND NOT 19.

-------  The number of months is 12 with Allah Himself, and not with mankind only.

-------  The order of 12 months was given by Allah on the day Allah created the heavens and the earth. This means the number of months was 12 even before mankind was created.  How  can Baha’u’llah interfere in the setup which Allah made before mankind was created ???-------

Test # 5

Four Sacred  Months


After informing us about the 12 months, Allah says in the Holy Qur’an in the same Sura Tauba (9) Verse 36 that:-

of these four are sacred

that is the right religion

wherefore wrong not yourselves in respect thereof


Baha'is have wronged themselves

How can sacredness of these 4 months be abrogated UNLESS the Baha’is have wronged themselves in respect thereof ??? ------  UNLESS  they have left the right religion……


Test # 6

Baha’is  include  St. Paul  in  the  List  of True  Apostles


Baha’is  include  St. Paul  in  the  List  of True  Apostles

In the light of Qur’an, Paul is a Disbeliever

St. Paul made Jesus the Son of God

Allah in The Holy Qur’an says very strongly against this belief. Allah says in Surah At- Tauba (9) Verse 30  “….. And the Christians say: Messiah is the Son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths. They imitate the saying of the DISBELIEVERS of old.  Allah’s Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth !” 

And Allah says in Surah Marium (19) Verse (88–91)

And Allah says in Surah Marium (19) Verse (88–91)

The BAHA’IS believe that The Holy Qur’an is from Allah.  St. Paul made Jesus the Son of God.  How can the Baha’is include St. Paul in the list of True Apostles, when in the light of The Holy Qur’an, St. Paul is a disbeliever?

Therefore Baha’ism

does not pass the tests of truth




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