Some Religious Laws of Baha’u’llah

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 06:47 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



It is mentioned in Aqdas that "It is forbidden to marry the wife of one’s father but it is permissible to marry the daughter, sister and other relatives." 

Ref: Danishmaname Jahane’ Islam Vol 4. Pg 253




All things are pure including dog, pig, urine and stool. 

Ref: Danishmaname Jahane’ Islam Vol 4 Pg 142.




Hajj is obligatory only for men and instead of it one should go to Baite’ Aazam in Baghdad and Baite’ Nuqtah (house of the Bab) in Shiraz. 

Ref: Danishmaname Jahane’ Islam Vol 4 Pg 68




Their Kiblah is in the direction of Akka which houses the grave of Mirza Husain Ali (Baha’u’llah). 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 82




In Aqdas it is written that Baha’is don’t have the right to protest against any country and that instead of protesting against the country they should pay attention to their own selves. 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 225




The following points are noteworthy regarding the belief of the Baha’is

The beliefs of Baha’is change color according to situations, opportunities and places. For example, in India their belief is similar to that of Hindus i.e., they believe that God has a body and He can incarnate himself in anybody. In America and Europe their belief is that there should be freedom of equal rights for man and woman. In Japan they believe in the number of Gods which is as per the Japanese belief. In any Islamic country they talk about Tauheed (unity of God) and in Christianity they talk about God descending on the earth which is as per the beliefs of Christians. 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 72-85, Farq Wa Mazahibe Kalami pg 343-350




Proof that the Belief of Baha’is is totally Wrong

It is apparent that Mirza Husain Ali (Bahaullah) believed in the occultation of the Bab where as in Islamic books, the characteristics of Imam Mahdi (atfs) have been described in a manner so as to close the door for anybody to make illegal use of it (cannot adopt it to fool others) . Ref: Lutfullah Safi Gulpaigani, Imamat Wa Mahdaviyat Vol 3 Pg 63-70 . Note: In this book, 40 characteristics of Imam Mahdi (atfs) have been mentioned, none of which are possessed by Bab.




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