Fatwas for the Baha’i Faith

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 06:50 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



Question: Kindly elaborate the Faith of the Baha’is and the causes of the deviations of their belief? What is the condition for the one who accepts their Faith unknowingly?

The beliefs of the founder of the Baha’i cult, Mirza Husain Ali "Baha", as per their books and that of Ali Mohammed "Bab" is based on their belief that after their advent, Islam has been abrogated and the era of the messengership of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has ended. This belief is founded on the occultation of the Bab and on accepting that Bahaullah is the same person regarding whom the Bab had prophesized that Allah would make manifest (Man Yuzherahullaho). It is their belief that Allah (swt) has manifested Himself several times on this earth and in the words of Bab himself; Allah has incarnated Himself in the persona of the Bab. As per their new Shariat, it is permissible to marry one’s daughter, sister and near relatives. He also announced that dogs, pigs, urine and stool are pure (paak).

None of their beliefs are correct according to the following reasons:

1.      The special characteristics of Imame’ Zaman (atfs) are narrated in traditions in such a manner that it closes the door (for any person) to make wrongful use of these traditions (to fool others). These special characteristics are not found in Bab and Bahaullah.

2.    The issue of the finality of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sawa) is a fact which is established through both, logic as well as through traditions. Holy Quran refers to the Holy Prophet (sawa) as "Khatemun Nabiyyeen" which means the end of the prophethood and messengership of all the previous prophets. Firstly, Islam is such a perfect religion that neither the Holy Prophet of Islam (sawa) fell short in explaining it completely nor is there any person who cannot appreciate its merits and reality. Secondly, Islam is protected from all types of changes and distortions. Hence there is no need for any other religion or thought which claims to either complete Islam or correct it in any manner. Therefore, from this aspect we say that "Islam is such a religion, through whose light, mankind can receive guidance in every era."

3.    The concept that Allah has a body and that He has incarnated Himself in the body of a person, in the person of Bahaullah, is wrong and this is as clear as the sun. This belief is the cause of considering the Baha’is out of the fold of Islam and is the cause of considering them as impure (Najis). If a person who had accepted the Baha’i Faith earlier, repents and seeks the forgiveness of Allah, then Allah (swt) will forgive him. It is not necessary to acknowledge this reversion in front of people. It is also not permissible for anyone to disclose such a reversion in front of the people.


A Detailed Reply to the Question



The Baha’i give importance to two books of Mirza Husain Ali "Bahaullah" (founder of the Baha’i Faith) and consider these books to be the "books of laws and revelation" These books are: 

1. Iqan : Baha’is believe that this book was revealed upon Bahaullah in Baghdad. 

2. Aqdas : They say that this book was revealed upon Bahaullah in Akka.


In addition to the above, there are some other books like Kalamate Maknunah, Haft Wadi , and Kitab Mubin which are attributed to him.


Following points are the extract of these books



The beliefs of Baha are based on the principle that after the advent of Bahaullah and Bab, Islamic laws have been abrogated and the messengership of the Holy Prophet (sawa) has been terminated. As per the belief of Baha’is, this era is now the era of the religion and the messengership of Bahaullah. His book is the protector of all divine books and the one which has abrogated all previous dispensations and previous laws. 

Ref: Makatib Abdul Baha Vol 1 Pg 343.



Allah has manifested himself in the body of Mirza Husain Ali (Bahaullah) and will continue to manifest Himself on this earth in future as well. However after Mohammed (sawa), Bab and Bahaullah, Allah will not manifest Himself on this earth for another 1,000 years. 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 72, 75



Bahaullah refers to himself as the "God of Gods" in the book Kitabe’ Mubin 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 229, Kitabe’ Mubin Pg 323



Bahaullah says in the book Aqdas that "The first thing which Allah has made incumbent upon his creatures is the source of His revelation and the recognition of His light which is nothing other than me who was his successor in managing the affairs of the universe." 

Ref : Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 1.



In the book "Ayyame' Tis’aa" he congratulated himself on his birthday in the following words, "Congratulation to this morning when "Lam Yalid Walam Yulad" was born. 

Ref: Khatemiyyat Payamber Islam Pg 50



Bahaullah writes in Iqan, "If Mullah Husain Bushrui would not have been there, Allah would not have been on Arsh." 

Ref: Danishmaname Jahane’ Islam Vol 4 Pg 733.


Note: Mullah Husain Bushrui was the person under the influence of whose teaching Bahaullah became the lover and believer of Bab.


In the book of Raheeqe’ Makhtoom by Ishraq Khavari, it is written, "With the advent of Mohammed (sawa), his prophethood came to an end and therefore the reappearance of Bahaullah was the same as the reappearance of Allah." 

Ref: Danishmaname Jahane’ Islam Vol Pg 78.







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