Preaching atheism!! (part 2)

Friday, 28 April 2017 08:56 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

      Bahaismiran:     Q: why is the Baha’is Kiblah Hussein Ali Baha’s tomb?!

     To answer this question, one of the Baha’i proselytizers claimed: The basis for determining Kiblah in the previous religions is blessing to a special prophet! However we answer Determining Kiblah is for the sake of God’s order.

     In one of the cyber networks which is related to the Baha’ism cult, a question was arisen: “Why is your Kiblah your prophet’s tomb?” So, the Baha’i author claimed: “In the book “Aqdas” the Excellency Bahaullah has ordered and recommended the Baha’is to pray towards himself. Regarding Kiblah, why Kaaba is honorable? It is honorable because it has been attributed to the Excellency Ebrahim (P.H.). For this reason, Bahaullah has made the Baha’is pay attention to himself.[1]

     Some notes regarding the Baha’i author’s justifications:

1.   According to the Islamic and divine teachings, human being can caress with God without any mediator. However, one of the origin of atheism is that a group like the Baha’is consider it impossible to worship God directly[2]. Nevertheless since we know that God is the creator of the universe[3] and He is the one who can be worshipped without anybody else as his/her guardian[4] his/her monotheism claim can be doubtful.

2.   Muslim turn towards Kaaba to obey God’s order and to worship God who has ordered the Excellency Ebrahim (P.H.) to make Kaaba not to because of its blessing to the Excellency Adam (P.H.) and the Excellency Ebrahim (P.H.)[5]

3.   Hussein Ali Baha has ordered his followers in the book “Aqdas”: When you wanted to pray, turn your faces towards the holy position (Hussein Ali Baha’s tomb)[6]”… The question is that where did Hussein Ali Baha as the pattern for his followers turn to pray?!

4.   Muslims believe that regarding Kiblah the aim and purpose is God not Kaaba’s cloth or stone; but Baha’is believe that Kiblah was constantly changing by Hussein Ali Nouri’s journey. As Abdul Hamid Khawari writes: “… when you want to pray attention to the Blessed Beauty’s position. Pray towards that position.[7]

5.   According to Shoqi Effendi’s confess (the third leader of Baha’is), the purpose of Baha’is worship is the made prophet of the cult: “During praying, if you need to embody a person before you, embody the Excellency Abdul Baha because you can caress with the Blessed Beauty through him.[8]

     Consequently, the Baha’is are atheists and their monotheism isn’t acceptable.



[1] Narrated by one of the cyber netwroks related to the Baha’ism organization entitled “Answery to questions regarding Baha’ism faith”

[2] Consequently, Mirza Heydar Ali Isfani calls Hussein Ali Nouri as “The lord of lords”, page 339.

[3] He said: Our Lord is He who gave unto everything its nature, then guided it aright. (Taha/50)

[4] The likeness of those who choose other patrons than Allah is as the likeness of the spider when she taketh unto herself a house, and lo! The frailest of all houses is the spider’s house if they but knew.

[5] For this reason, the scholars believe that it isn’t allowable  for other people or things except God to be bowed even the holy Imams.

[6] Hussein Ali Nouri, e-book, p. 7, line one.

[7] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, utterances about the book “Aqdas”, 1997, edited by: Dr. Vahid Ra’fati, pp. 33-34.

[8] Amri news magazine, the Iranian Baha’is national assembly magazine, No. 6, 1328.

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