Bicentennial celebrations aimed at gaining new Baha'is!

Sunday, 18 June 2017 08:48 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 “these Holy Days should be viewed as special opportunities for the friends to reach out to the widest possible cross-section of society (non-Baha'is) and to all those with whom they share a connection—whether through a family tie or common interest, an occupation or field of study, neighborly relations or merely chance acquaintance—so that all may rejoice in the appearance, exactly two hundred years before, of One Who was to be the Bearer of a new Message for humankind.” 

Universal House of Justice, 18 May 2016 to National Spiritual Assemblies, paragraph 1

“But the most distinguishing feature of these bicentenaries will be a tremendous flourishing of activity by Baha’is and their friends in local communities.”

Universal House of Justice, 18 May 2016 to National Spiritual Assemblies, paragraph 2 





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