Shoghi Effendi outlines his educational ambitions at Balliol College, to study "with eminent professors and Orientalists," noting alumni who were Imperialists

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Shoghi Effendi outlines his educational ambitions at Balliol College, to study "with eminent professors and Orientalists," noting alumni who were Imperialists Circa 1920's, Balliol College, Oxford, (founded about 1265 by John Baliol)

July 28. On this date in 1920, Shoghi Effendi, a student at Oxford, wrote a letter to Florence Breed, wife of Ali Kuli Khan and mother of Marzieh Gail, outlining his educational ambitions at Balliol College, to study with with eminent professors and Orientalists, noting alumni who were all Imperialists

He was received there by the many devoted friends of 'Abdu'l-Bahá with genuine warmth and affection. Some of them he already knew personally, such as Dr J. E. Esslemont, who had recently been in Haifa and collaborated with him and other friends in the translation of an important Tablet of the Master; Major W. Tudor Pole, who had met 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His stay in London and had been in Palestine with the British Army of Occupation, rendering the believers every assistance within his power; and Lord Lamington


Shoghi Effendi was the bearer of letters from this grandfather to some of His English friends, as is attested in a letter he wrote shortly after his arrival to the wife of Ali Kuli Khan in France: 



July 28, 1920 


My dearest Bahá'í sister: 


I have been fearfully busy since I stepped on British soil and so far the progress of my work has been admirable. Equipped with the Tablets of the Master for Lady BlomfieldLord Lamington and Major Tudor Pole , I have through them come in close touch with eminent professors and Orientalists whether at Oxford or London University. Having secured introductions and recommendations from Sir Denison Ross, and Professor Ker, to Sir Walter Raleigh - professor of and lecturer on English literature at Oxford - and Prof. Margoliouth - the remarkable Arabic scholar and Orientalist of the same University, I hastened to Oxford after a busy week stay in London. In fact before leaving for Oxford, I had a letter from Margoliouth saying that he would do all in his power to be of help to a relative of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. With this man and the Master of Balliol College - a College from which great men such as Lord GreyEarl CurzonLord MilnerMr. AsquithSwinburne and Sir Herbert Samuel have graduated - I had the opportunity of speaking about the Cause and clearing up some points that to these busy scholars had hitherto been uncertain and confused. 


Do pray for me, as I have requested you on the eve of my departure, that in this great intellectual center I may attain my object and achieve my end...



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