Baha'i activities in DRC

Sunday, 10 September 2017 09:22 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

This is being circulated by Baha'is on social media, not sure how true this is!

The ability is being raised to go into neighborhoods and villages to engage the population in an intensive way to raise up large numbers of core activities (not just for a group of people, but serving the whole village). 


In one of the villages in the DRC such intense process is underway, everyone trusts each other and everyone is trustworthy, they feel like 1, even the livestock is not locked up at night. So when a new person comes into a village he’s told that if anything goes missing, they know it’s him. 


In another village everyone’s saying Allah’u’Abha to each other, coming from outside one doesn’t know who’s Baha’i and who not. And when the Baha’is speak about Baha’is vs. friends of the Faith, the friends ask why they aren’t considered Baha’is too. So we need to catch up with our language use. 


For the Bicentenaries the NSA is arranging a month of observances. The first week of October will be dedicated to friends and family, gatherings will be held in the close circles; in the second week activities will be organized for neighborhoods; in week 3 the LSAs will arrange observances for whole localities; week 4 will be on cluster level.


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