Baha'i Hack Scott Hakala gets a cute response from Dale Husband

Friday, 20 October 2017 09:50 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Dale's response to Hakala

Mr. Hakala,


First of all, please don't make any more copies of this comment of yours above and try to post them on my own blog ( ) and specifically to post them on a blog entry that has nothing to do with you. ( )


Second, accusing me of lacking honesty and sincerity is ironic considering you defend a religion that is full of unfounded nonsense that produces hypocrisy by its very nature, as noted here. ( ) Your arrogance is amazing, to put it politely.


Third, no I do not remember you, and the possibility of you meeting me at any time is irrelevant. Do not try to mess with my head like that again; I will not be intimidated by that.


Fourth, I became a Baha'i because of both ignorance about the Faith's true cultish nature and because of "love-bombing" by Baha'is that is typical of cultists seeking converts. I left the Baha'i Faith gradually as a result of having more and more questions about it that made it clear eventually that things in it simply did not add up to objective truth.


Fifth, have you even bothered to read my writings on the Baha'i Faith? ( ) If you can dig through all of them and still profess loyalty to the Universal House of "Justice" and its ridiculous claims of being infallible and having the answers to the world's problems, then I really see no more point in dealing with you. You are either a liar or an idiot and either way I have only contempt for you. The world needs better things than the Baha'i Faith and better people than you to save it!





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