Introducing the Baha’i torturers of SAVAK

Sunday, 07 February 2021 04:55 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Introducing the Baha’i torturers of SAVAK Fereydoun Tawangari known as Arash (left)


 You have surely heard in the false advertisements by the Baha’i proselytizers that according to Baha’ism leaders Baha’is must avoid policy; so they don’t meddle with policy. However such proselytizers haven’t studied the Iranian history and the Baha’ism role in preserving the ominous regime of Pahlavi. During Pahlavi government, SAVAK was responsible for the security of the country and SAVAK agents were of the most devoted ones. We introduce the book “the torturers” compiled by Qasem Hassan Pour to study carefully.




     On Bahman, 14, 1350, a committee called “the anti-sabotage committee” was established in the temporary prison of the intelligent service of policy ordered by Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. From that time on, the committee was in charge of confronting against the activities against the kingdom regime.

     The famous torturer of the committee was Fereydoun Tawangari known as a Arash who was born in 329 in a Baha’i family in Tehran city. He was employed in SAVAK having diploma degree. He served as an ordinary agent. Earlier 1352, he progressed and became in charge inspecting and torturing. On Ordibehesht, 22, 1354, he became the chairman of operation section. He was being commemorated as the most violent and the roughest inspectors in the common committee.

     Tis Baha’i torturer was captured after the victory of Islamic Revolution and executed on Tir, 3, 1358.



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