Sunday, 14 February 2021 05:31 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

One of the influential people of SAVAK during the Pahlavi periods of time is Parviz Sabeti. He has born in a Baha’i family in Semnan.

     According to Ferqeh News, He advanced in SAVAK organization quickly via the struggles of Baha’is in the Pahlavi court. In addition to top Baha’is of the Pahlavi period of time including Hoveyda, some of his supporters are Fardoust, the deputy of SAVAK and Naser Moghaddam. He gained credit using a TV program depending on the influential people such as Habib Sabet Pasal the then Baha’i manager of TV of Iran.

     His advancement continued by 1349 when he became the SAVAK assistant in the third department. He acted as a connector between SAVAK and Mossad. He travelled to Israel to learn along with a body of men. He became the director general of the third department of SAVAK by the field marchal Nasiri.

      Sabeti was one of Hoveyda’s intimate friends. He was reporting Hoveyda every Wednesday night. He was one of the ways for making Hoveyda’s power steady. He had a close relationships with Hoveyda, his fellow creed.

     Based on his occupational specifications, he had several passports bearing different names. He fled ten days before the victory of the Islamic Revolution. He went to Geneva. Then, he went to Israel with his wife. He resided in a splendid house in San Francisco later on. He was known as “SAVAK frightful torturer.”


     Sabeti who had been an agent of the Universal House of Justice was busy committing crimes in SAVAK. Now, he is commenting in BBC Baha’is channel as an expert of religions and cults. Erfan Sabeti, his son, is a defender of Baha’ism cult. He is continually proselytize for Baha’ism in social and satellite networks.


      It is interesting to be noted that this person who is a Baha’i and has been born in a Baha’i family is being invited as an expert in BBC and VOA networks. Of course, the son is active for the deviant cult of Baha’ism alongside with the father. The son is in charge of proselyting in internet and is responsible for supporting the aims of Baha’ism. Erfan Sabeti is introduced as an analyst and a historian in the Zionists televisions of VOA, BBC and Andished (ATV).





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