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I have given permission to every soul to carry one thousand lines [from my books] with them so that they may have great pleasure!

Do not make more than 95 doors for the Point’s (the Bāb’s) house!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 6, chap. 1 & 13

Do not wear clothes that will frighten children!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 7, chap. 6.

At the age of eleven all children must marry. The consequence for ignoring this order is the annihilation of their good deeds:

It is incumbent upon all souls to leave from himself a soul (meaning to have children) and you must bring them close to each other (i.e. make them marry) after they have turned eleven and whoever can marry but doesn’t, then his [good] deeds will be annihilated!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 8, chap. 15.

Buying and selling air, fire, water, and earth is prohibited:

Do not buy or sell the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water)!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 9, chap. 11.

Do not ride cows and do not put loads on them if you (truly) believe in God and His signs!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 10, chap. 15.

In every dispensation, God loves that everything becomes renewed. It is because of this that he has ordered that once in every 202 years every person renew what books he possesses by either putting them in fresh water or bestowing them to someone else!

Reference: The Bāb, Farsi Bayān, unit 7, chap. 1.

It is incumbent for every person to leave for his inheritors 19 pieces of soft paper and 19 rings inscribed on them a Name from the Names of God!

Reference: The Bāb, Farsi Bayān, unit 8, chap. 2.

If anyone can, they must recite 700 verses from the Bayān every day and night and if they can’t they must repeat ‘Allahu Aẓhar’ 700 times!

Reference: The Bāb, Farsi Bayān, unit 8, chap. 14.

You must accept as guests 19 people in 19 days!

Reference: The Bāb, Arabic Bayān, unit 9, chap. 17.

These are only a handful of the Bāb’s orders. We have sufficed with these as to not elongate this section. This is how the Bāb praises these laws:

What has been descended (i.e. revealed) in the Bayān from the verses, a single one of them is a proof over everyone that is in the skies and the earth and what is in between them. And if all those who are in the skies and the earth and what is in between them come together so as to put forth anything like it, they will be incapable.

Reference: The Bāb, Lauḥ haykal al-dīn, unit 1, chap. 3.

Bahā’u’llāh had also praised these laws by these words:

I [swear by] He who in His hand is my soul and my essence, a single letter from the Bayān is dearer to me than everything that is in the heavens and the earth.

Reference: Asad-Allāh Fāḍil Māzandarānī, Asrār al-āthār khuṣūṣī, vol. 5, p. 333.

When Bahā’u’llāh was praising these irrational statements, had he forgotten what he had uttered about religion being in conformance with science:

[That which causes] distinction between humans and animals is reason and science. If religious beliefs contradict reason and science, then of course [they are] ignorance.

Reference: `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Payām-i malakūt, p. 92.


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