The first day of the lunar month of Moharram and the Baha’is celebrating and dancing

Monday, 16 August 2021 07:03 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The lunar month of Moharram is the mourning month when the Muslims are wearing black cloths and mourning for their martyr Imam (P.H.)

Ali Muhammad Bab is the founder of Babism. He was born on 1st of the lunar month of Moharram 1235 in Shiraz city. When he couldn’t prove his claims, he massacred. His disciples are congratulating and caroling in the divine mourning month.

It is interesting to be noted that the Babis and Baha’is have held all of their historical ceremonies in the solar calendar except for 1st and 2nd days of the lunar month of Moharram; birthdays of Bab and Baha.

A glance at Babism and Baha’ism history will discover the fact that basically Babism started by abolishing the religion of Islam in Badasht and continued by crimes against Muslims. The peak of these crimes has been recorded during the second Pahlavi period of time against Muslims and Shias. Since that time the issue of holding celebrations of the birthdays of Bab and became a bond for disturbing Shias.

However, the question is that: why are all ceremonies of the deviant cult of Baha’ism holding based on the solar calendar while these two ceremonies are being held based on the lunar one?!!! The answer is enmity against Shias and no more else.


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