Despite the explicitness in the Baha’i texts confessed and declared to the formation of the universal Baha’i government, the Baha’i proselytizers don’t tell people at recruitment time that all the measures and activities of the organization are merely done for the establishment of the Baha’i government and achieving it.
Of course, it is obvious that the universal house of justice has kept these documents secret from the eyes of international institutions and heads of states in order for them not to be aware of the reality and nature of this cult and their ominous aims.
As a matter of fact, the main adventure of proselytizing and invitation by the Baha’is presenting social, cultural and economic services is merely done to increase the Baha’i population and recognizing the Baha’i faith formally in order to implement the seven stages one after another and excute their plans to achieve the government they mean in each state.
These stages have been explained by Shoqi Effendi in his writing on Nowrouz 110 Badi’a, pp. 111 & 112: