The Baha’i self-proclaimed prophet’s view: Those who occupied Iran possessed the divine intention!

Wednesday, 05 January 2022 06:27 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The Baha’i proselytizers have assumed the claim for the Baha’ism relationship with the Colonialism as of the accusations currently claimed by the enemies of the cult, while the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has confessed supporting Baha’ism by the czar Russian Colonialism. However, which common sense accepts the claim for the divine intentions of the occupiers and aggressors?

Question: What is the reason for supporting the Baha’ism cult by the Czar Russian Colonialism? While the Russian Empire was the enemy of Islam at that period of time?!

Answer: The Baha’i leaders have confessed supporting Baha’ism by the Colonial powers. So, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has said concerning the reason for supporting Baha’ism by the Czar Russian Empire: “Because the Russian government observed a great number of the member of this party and also observed it was increasing, so it intended to figure out the reality for the aims of the party. It collected all the books and tablets across the country to such an extent that one surprises how it was possible. It gathered those who were experts in the Eastern words and investigated and searched about all the books, epistles and tablets. Thus, it figured out the reality of the creed and the aims of the party and its teachings when it figured out the reality, it supported the oppressed party truly.[1]

The Baha’i proselytizers believe that the Russian Empire has believed in Baha’ism. The answer is that why there isn’t any historical report concerning believing in Baha’ism by the Czar Russian Empire?! Yes, the reality is that the Russian support is due to creating riot and disunity in Iran.

The followers of the deviant cult of Baha’ism must know that the Russian then government as one of the number one enemies of Iran and Islam seized many cities of our country during several Colonial contracts. It was going to change the population structure of these cities and to put Shias who were in majority into minority and to destroy the spirit of anti-arrogance of pure Islam by the Baha’is.[2] So, it provided facilities for the cities like Bukhara, Samarkand, Ashgabat, Tashkent and Merv to be safe havens for the Baha’is.[3]


[1] Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija: The national institute for the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 5, p. 254.

[2] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 121 Badi’a, Vol. 4, p. 12; Ibid, Vol. 1, p. 410.

[3] For more studies refer to the article: The reason for the freedom of proselytizing Baha’ism in Czar Russian colonies.


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