The Baha’ism organization, creating sedition since the victory of the Islamic Revolution till now

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 05:07 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The Baha’ism organization of Iran was changed after the Revolution and a 3-member board called “the board of servants” in Tehran city along with local board of servants in provinces and cities followed guidance and leadership of Baha’ism cult organization. The board of servants of provinces and cities are in touch with the Baha’ism center in Tehran by an intermediary in Tehran city… some cities will end in a head. The head of their province is a member from the 3-member board. He sends each report to the national assembly. The data will be gathered in the national assembly by these representatives and will be sent to the universal house of justice (Israel)

The Baha’ism measures continued to put pressure on the Islamic system of government through foreign countries and the international communities such as the universal organization of churches and human rights organization to the time when the attorney general of the Islamic Revolution issued a manifest in 1362 S.H. and announced about detention of several Baha’is accusing spying for aliens.


Mercenary obedience

The assembly of the Baha’is of Iran reacted the public prosecutor’s manifest and criticized the public prosecutor’s remarks severely and defended the Baha’i accused ones. In an insidious measures, it announces the Baha’ism organization in Iran as cancelled.

Trying to influence in the Islamic Republic supported by America

The American government was first afraid of clear support of the cult. Then after the spying nest was captured and the Islamic Republic confronted it seriously, it supported Baha’ism formally. Reagan, the then president of America supported the arrested Baha’is explicitly and condemned the Islamic Revolution courts due to issuing verdict concerning the group imprisonment and execution of the heads of the cult.

After America, the Zionistic regime became as the second base of Baha’ism cult. The Baha’ism cult became a member of the organizations related to the United Nations and human right assemblies. So, it continued putting pressure the Islamic Republic.

Dayyan Alaee, the representative of universal community of Baha’is writes comparing the policies of Khatami and Ahmadi Nejad’s governments:

“During Mr. Khatami’s period of time, the policies of the government regarding the Baha’is rights were apparently changed. One of these cases was regarding citizen rights which was passed by the expediency assembly of the system of government in 1377 S.H. Mere positive consequence of such rule is the change in the condition of the right for recording marriage of the Baha’is. The Baha’i couples could possess the legal right for registering marriage.”

In 1387, Mr. Montazeri defended the citizen’ right of the Baha’is issuing a verdict. It was welcomed by the Baha’is. Dayyan Alaee said to radio Farda: Ayatollah Montazeri’s verdict concerning this issue that the Baha’is possess the citizen right like each Iranian person was a great step in history.


Baha’ism and street riots

This trend continued and caused the Baha’is to have extensive political activities and to enter into 1388 sedition. The confess by the Baha’i active agents in 1388 sedition was published by the center for the documents of Islamic Revolution in 1390 S.H. in a book called “the collection of the confesses of the sedition 1388 (Vol. 1) and the role of Baha’ism in 1388 sedition.”

Consequently, due to the collapse of Pahlavi regime who was the supporter of Baha’ism, the revelation of betrayals and their relationships with aliens, turning against the deviant cult of Baha’ism by the members, the establishment of the Islamic system of government headed by the one who had campaigned against it for several decades… Baha’ism faced its influence to be decreased and campaigned against the Islamic Republic of Iran in political, cultural and media arenas.



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