How did the Baha’is take over the Iranian economy during the second Pahlavi

Tuesday, 08 February 2022 06:48 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


In order to gain the economic power and wealth, the Baha’is tried hard and people like Hojabr Yazdani and other ones had gained privileges using this opportunity. They Baha’is were even using women to proselytize and attract others and prescribing family marriages with Muslims as a proselytizing method. So, Iran possessed the most Baha’is after the United States.

In formal forms, they were introducing themselves as Baha’is[1]. Generally speaking, weakening the government authority or the economy of the country in the path of aliens’ interests and gaining authority and group wealth of the Baha’is are of the factors which ended in an explosion called the Islamic Revolution.[2]

All banking capitals, imports and expanding money in the Iranian community belong to the Baha’is and the Jewish. All skyscrapers of Shiraz city, Tehran, and Isfahan belonged to the Baha’is. Hoveyda was from a Baha’i family several hidden agents in the king court of Iran wanted to condemn Hoveyda, but he was one of the servants of God’s faith. In 1350 S.H., he had help 15000 Tomans to our assembly. “O’ Baha’i sirs, don’t let Muslims to survive.[3]



All these signs indicate the strong bond between the Baha’i heads and Pahlavi government. Even form oil national movement periods on particularly in 1332 S.H., extensive activity and the organized one started by the Iranian Baha’is associated with the occupier regime of Zionism. It is said in their long-termed 10-year plan:

“…As mentioned above; it is figured out from the letters of the central assembly that the final goal is increasing these who are related to the Baha’is in order to be influential in all parts and regions of the country particularly among the people of villages…[4]

The Excellency Imam Khomeini (P.H.) introduced and called the Baha’is as the agents of the usurp Israel: “Sirs must pay attention that most important posts have been occupied by this cult. They are really the agents of Israel. The Israel’s danger for Islam and Iran is too eminent.[5]

In 1342 S.H., Imam Khomeini (P.H.) revealed: “Two thousand people have been given five hundred dollars along with 1200 Tomans discount to each. Why? In order to go to a meeting against Islam in London[6]!

“The economy of this country is in the hands of Israel and the Zionists who have been appeared in this Baha’i party. After a while; by the fatal Muslim silence, all the economy of this country will be captured by their agents. The Iranian TV. Is the Jewish spying base…[7]



[1] Hussein Fardoust, Vol. 1, p. 377.

[2] Seyyed Saeed Zahedani, pp. 247 and 248.

[3] Ibid, p. 251, reporting to SAVAK dated 1350/5/19.

[4] Archive of the center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution, The Baha’ism of Azerbaijan case ( narrated by Zamaneh periodical, year 6, No.61) 1386 S.H., P. 78.

[5] Imam Khomeini(P.H.), Sahifeh Nour, vol.1, p,44.

[6] Ibid, p. 12

[7] Ibid, pp. 34 & 35.


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