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Baha’ism and its relationship with masonry

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 20:46 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



The reason which caused Mulla Ali Kani to disagree with Masonry was the secret relationship between Baha’ism and masonry. There are many documents remained from those periods of time concerning joining many Baha’is to masonry.

     A glance at endeavors against “oblivion parliament”

     Qajar era was a turning point in the advent of the western thoughts in the country. In this period of time, not only many western books were published; but also, several political assemblies and organization such as masonry were formed having special aims. Masonry was one of the important and secret organizations shouting the slogans of freedom, equality, brotherhood and etc. which was established with the help of people such as Molkim Khan. This organization started its activities such as preaching the western culture and destroying the religious rites. Although masonry’s aims and activities were unknown for the public at first; but the clergymen look upon its activities doubtfully and opposed them. Mulla Ali Kani was of the main one who openly opposed. Ayatollah Kani wrote some letters for king Naseruddin to announced this issue that the mentioned organization must be cancelled stating his reasons. One of his reasons is as follow:


     According to the documents, many Baha’is have joined masonry organization. Meanwhile, several members of masonry have also had relationships with the Baha’is. Based on the documents, Baha’is and even the Jewish have had direct relationships with them. Although Baha’i cult was a deviant one, it opposed the religious rites.

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