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The story of forging history in BBC, This is Amir the great’s round!!

Saturday, 29 October 2016 18:32 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



Publishing a note in Khamenei.ir, Abdullah Shahbazi investigated the forging antecedent in the document published by the UK and U.S.A.


     Shahbazi writes in one of this notes investigating Mirza Taqi Khan Amir the great’s plea for being under the protection of the United Kingdom:

     “Of course, this isn’t the first time that the political and propagandistic institutions claim for revealing and publishing document concerning the relationship between the dignitaries of anti-Colonialism of the Iranian history with the British and American governments or introduce some adulterated documents called “valid documents” raising an uproar. For instance, publishing a document concerning Amir the great’s attachment to the British government by the financial –political lobby of Baha’ism in the west. Long time ago, Mr. Abbas Amanat, a high-ranking member of the lobby and Mr. Behrouz Afaq’s friend, the manager of Asia and Australian BBC claimed for finding a document concerning Amir the great’s plea for being under the protection of the great Britain. As a matter of fact, Amanat tried to revenge Amir the great because Mirza Taqi Khan had repressed Babi rioters and executed Ali Muhammad Shirazi (Bab). Contrary to what is popularized in the political culture of writing history of Iran and Amir the great’s reputability, Amanat has displayed a despicable character out of Amir the great’s one in the book “the world Kiblah”. He has tried to pretend that Amir the great has asked the embassy of great Britain to be refuged.

     The document adduced by Abbas Amanat is a note in Persian and English languages attached to the report dated November, 29, 1851 Colonel Justine Shell to London. It has been sent to England as the translation of Amir the great’s letter to the ministry of foreign affairs.


     One the other hand, there isn’t any letter with Amir the great’s handwriting and signature? Where is the original Amir the great’s letter? Why hasn’t Justine sent such an important letter to be kept on file in the ministry of foreign affairs of England? Additionally, those who are dealing with historical documents know what the British agents have sent to Britain isn’t necessarily considered as the valid document.

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