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Baha’ism: “If a person is against us, he/she must be insulted.”

Monday, 31 October 2016 18:33 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



 “If a person isn’t with us, the/she is against us. “ there won’t be a medium level.” This statement have been repeatedly said by the powerful and those who claim for the universal village. However, cults and their leaders emphasize more on the viewpoint such as Monafeqin cult. Nevertheless, Hussein Ali Nouri infused the view to his followers and insulted those who rejected the view. In one of the programs related to the Baha’ism cult called “the Baha’i Faith” the program expert claimed: “The Baha’i community doesn’t have any problem in order for a person to criticize the faith teachings or to speak about its history. While the Baha’i community answers it.[1]


     However, Baha’is pretend to be criticizable; but in fact the cult heads are too bigoted and answer each kind of criticism violently and roughly. Consequently, the Shiite clergymen and Muslims Iranian people have been attacked by an extensive wave of insult and humiliation by the leaders of the Baha’i cult because the Iranian people have discovered the aberration of the cult and have tried to block its expansion.

     For instance, Hussein Ali Nouri, the cult head has called the Shiite people as “the flagrant Shiite”[2] and “the most inferior party and nations”[3] and has assumed the Shiite scholars as “the tyrannical Pharaoh” and “the despersers of illusions among people”[4], in the book “Ishraqat”.

     In “the Iqan” book, Hussein Ali Nouri has called the Iranian people “orang-outang” and “unthankful”.[5] 

     His son, Abdul Baha has addressed the Iranian scholar as vipers, snakes, scorpios, bloodthirty wolves, thieves and the ignorant.[6]

     Shoqi Effendi, the third leaders of the Baha’i cult has called the Iranian people as “the ignorant, wild and bigoted nation. Baha’is have been trapped by them.[7]



[1] The Baha’i faith network, the Iranian taboo and the role of media, the name of program: Reflection, the experts: kambiz Tavana, Farhad Sabetan.

[2] Hussein Ali Nouri, Ishraqat, (the blessed tablets of the Excellency Bahaullah including Ishraqat and several other tablets, Bita, p. 196.

[3] The same, p. 279.the same, p. 269 and 267.

[4] The same, p. 269 and 267.

[5] Hussein Ali baha, Iqan, Egypt, Farajullah Zaki publication, 19363, p. 196.

[6] Ishraq Khavari, the heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of Amri press, 129 Badi’a, p. 139.

[7] Refer to Shoqi Effendi, the blessed notes, Qarn Ahabba Sharq tablet (Norouz 101 Badi’a ) the national institute of Amri press, 123 Badi’a, p. 17.

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