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Ms. Simin Fahandej, state the realities of Baha’i lives in Iran not say what other people state!

Saturday, 05 November 2016 19:38 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



 It seems Baha’is who live in the Islamic Republic of Iran expect the government to support them more despite of their hostile activities against Islam and the political system of Iran. It should be said that these kinds of expectations are unprecedented across the world.


     Following the publishing 122-page report by the Baha’i community against the Iranian government the spokeswoman of the universal community of Baha’is in the United Nations claimed speaking with the VOA: “Before being the president, Mr. Rowhani had promised to regard the minority rights.” She also claimed: “The universal community of Baha’is has asked Hassan Rowhani to guarantee the freedom and human rights of minorities in Iran and to prevent economic pressure on the Baha’i people in Iran in an open letter.” The universal community of Baha’is of Iran claimed: “Despite of the promises by Hassan Rowhani concerning putting an suppression of the religious minorities has been intensified.” What have claimed by Simin Fahandej and the Baha’i community is a quite irrational expectation rather than be a criticism against Hassan Rowhani’s government.

     First, Ms. Fhandej must be aware that the political system of government of Iran hasn’t recognized the deviant cult of Baha’ism as a minority from the beginning of the revolution till now.

     Second: It seems Ms. Fahandej is quite far from the reality of Baha’i lives in Iran. Baha’is who are living in the Islamic Republic of Iran have a normal life; in spite of their hostile activities against Islam and the political system of government of Iran. It is quite irrational and unacceptable in each country if she thinks a Baha’i mustn’t be punished while s/he commits a crime for this reason that he/she is a Baha’i.


     Third, more than 99.9 percent of Baha’is in Iran have normal lives.

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