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Being enemy with Iran with the excuse of cultural roots

Saturday, 26 November 2016 17:48 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



     In one of the programs of the TV network “The Baha’i faith” called “the moral civilization”, the relationship and the difference between culture and civilization were investigated. The expert of the program concluded that culture is spirit caused by acting civilization after narrating a statement by Hussein Ali Baha.[1]

     Of course, the expert mentioned the privations of Iran and accused the Iranian system of government considering the root of privations as the cultural noes: “pay attention to the deprived and poor regions of Iran. The reason of the poverty originate from our thinking method; for instance, there is …; so he/she isn’t an Iranian person. Or there is …; so its race isn’t accordance with our race.[2]” however, what is revealed by the experts’ statements indicate the enmity of the Baha’i cult with the system of government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They have expressed this enmity form the beginning of the formation the system of government and; today, they continue accusing us even with the cultural excuses.

     The heads of the cult openly discriminate among humans and have divided the human being into different degrees. How can they accuse the Iranian system of government with discrimination? For instance, in one of his classifications, Abdul Baha has introduced the American black-skinned people as civilized and clever and has assumed the black Africans as cows that have been created with human faces.[3]

     Ion this classifications among human beings, Hussein Ali Baha, the head of the cult, considered his followers as the faithful and his opponents as the hypocritical. He has prevented his followers to associate with the hypocrites.[4]

     Consequently, this cult can’t claim for the equality of human beings and removal of discrimination among human beings because there are contradiction in their leaders’ speech.



[1] The Baha’i Faith TV network, program: Dialogue. The experts: Moeen Effnani, Farzaneh Sabetiyan.

[2] The same.

[3] Abbas Effendi, Abdul Baha’s sermons, Egypt, 1921, A.D. p.119.

[4] Ishraq Khavari, the heavenly food, Bija, 129 Badi’a, Vol.4, p. 280.

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