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Accepting criticism in the Baha’ism Doctrine

Saturday, 03 December 2016 19:13 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



There is a proverb that goes: “He that swear, will lie.” It exactly states the Baha’ism conditions.

     In one of the programs of the Baha’i faith TV network, the subject of the role of media in Iran against Baha’ism had been investigated. The expert of the program criticized the function of the Iranian media against the cult. The expert continued: “Totally, the Baha’i community agreed people who criticize the teaching of the faith or speak about its history; but it is ready to answer the questions.[1]

     This claim is going to be investigated:

     Reviewing the history, the speeches and functions of the Baha’i cult leaders briefly, we will figure out that not only the cult hasn’t welcomed the criticism against its rudiments; but also it has severely reflected and encountered the critics. They have also prevented their followers to oppose their speeches and behaviors. In this regard, Abdul Baha says: “You mustn’t oppose in behavior, deed, morality…[2]

     Hussein Ali Nouri has also blocked each way to criticism and said: “If Bahaullah issues a right side verdict for the left one and the north way verdict for the south, it will be the right verdict.[3]” he has also said: “If the Baha’i God issues water verdict for wine and sky one of the earth and the fire one for light, there won’t be any doubt and nobody can oppose.[4]

     Although the followers of the Baha’i cult is trying to pretend to be criticism accepted; but in fact, the followers of the cult haven’t welcomed each scientific criticism and tried to cut their relationships with the critics; because their prophet has ordered his followers to cut their relationship with critics: “Then, O’ my heaven settlers, keep out of the atheists and the ignorant![5]




[1] Baha’i Faith TV network, The name of the program: Reflection, The expert: Kambiz Tavana and Farhad Sabetiyan

[2] Abbas Effendi, The personal article “Sayah”, Germany, the national institute of Amri press, Germany, edition 1, Badi’a 158, p: 49.

[3] Hussein Ali Nouri, Ishraqat, Bija, Bita, P.17.

4The same.

5 Ishraq Khavari, the heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of Amri press. Badi’a 129, Vol. 8, p. 38.


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