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Why are the Baha’is unclean?

Friday, 09 December 2016 15:59 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



One of the weakest beliefs of Baha’ism is believing in Bab and Hussein Ali Baha as gods. Ali Muhammad Bab has claimed that the highest rank of truth that is divinity has penetrated into him. The Baha’ism belief is in contrast with other divine religions because divinity is particularly God’s and nobody shares Him.

·        Nearly all jurisconsults believe that the number of unclean thing is 11[1] and some believe is 12[2]. They unanimously believe in atheist[3] as one of unclean one.

     Atheist is the one who rejects and doesn’t believe in God or considers a partner for God or a person who doesn’t believe in prayer or fast as necessities of the religion of Islam.[4] In this regard, the jurisconsults adduce the following verse or tradition. The verse: “Surely, the atheists are unclean.[5]” a tradition by Imam Sadeq (P.H.): “A person who establishes a religion except the religion of Islam is atheist.[6]” One of the minor points of the issue is that all of the body of an atheist even his/her hair, nail unclean.[7]

     Baha’ism is a cult has made by Hussein Ali Nouri known as Bahaullah. Before him, Ali Muhammad Bab and made Babism following Sheikism thoughts and calling himself as the forth pillar or the perfect human being. At first, he claimed the gate of Imam of the time (P.H.). At last, he claimed for divinity.

     After Ali Muhammad, Hussein Ali Nouri claimed to be the one promised by Ali Muhammad Bab. Then, he abolished the religion of Islam and made a new religion.[8]

     Some Baha’ism beliefs:

1.   Believing in divinity of Ali Muhammad Bab and Hussein Ali Nouri is one of the weakest and irrational beliefs of Baha’ism and Babism.

2.   Believing in prophethood of Ali Muhammad and Hussein Ali Nouri

3.   Believing in Ali Muhammad and Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri as the promised Mahdi

4.   Believing in the issue that the religion of Islam has been abolished.

     Totally, the reasons for Baha’is to be unclean:

1)   Baha’is claim for divinity of Bab and Baha and reject the holy prophet (P.H.) as the last pro0phet of Allah

2)   They reject the necessary commandments of the religion such as prayer, fast and etc. they believe these commandments have been abolished.

3)   They not only reject the existence of Imam of the time (May Allah hasten his reappearance); but also they are his enemies.





[1] Imam Khomeyni (R.A), Tahrirul Wasileh, the unclean, Qom, Ismaeeliyan Najafi, second floor, 1390 A.H., Vol. 1, p. 114, problem 1

[2] Mr. Brojerdi’s problem explanations treatise, Javidan and Farahani, Elmiyeh, problem 84, p. 26.

[3] Mohaqqeq Helli, Sharayeul Islam, daral-Awaza’, second fllor, Beyrout, 1403 A.H., kitab-al-Taharat, Vol. 1, p. 53.

[4] Problem explanation treatise, problem 107, p. 30.

[5] Towbeh Surrah, Verse: 28.

[6] Horr Ameli, Wasael-al-Shi’a, Al-Ehya-al-Tarath, Qom, 1st floor, 1409 A.H., Vol.1, Al-Taharah book, the gates for worship start, second chapter, Vol. 3, p. 30.

[7] The problem explanation treatise 108, p. 31.

[8] Zahedani, Seyyed Saeed Zahed, Baha’ism in Iran, Tehran, the center for Islamic Revolution documents, 2nd floor, 1381, p. 97.

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Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2016 17:24

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