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The time when there is a contradiction between belief and action

Friday, 09 December 2016 12:32 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Each wise human being believing in each religion, faith or party follow his/her leader in the social, political and other issues. Rationally, nobody can act according to his/her favor. However, in the recent decades, there are many followers who have turned against their leaders’ orders. We will mention some activities of Baha’is and this deviant cult’s leaders’ views:

     Contrary to their leaders’ view and their faith, Baha’is have ran and started a campaign against the government of the country they live and decided for the prisoners of a country to make them free. They have even cooperated with the anti-revolution interior elements to ask for the support of non-Baha’is. The following is some speeches by the leaders of the deviant cult of Baha’ism: Abdul Baha has ordered Baha’is:

     “A person who interfered with policy isn’t Baha’i. it doesn’t need any other reason. This reason is adequate.”[1]

     The Excellency Bahaullah says: “You must free from the political issues and affairs and hostile activities among parties and countries.[2]

     The important note is that this is a totally political order issued by the leader of the organization. As a matter of fact, it isn’t a religious teaching. It is a political tactic to attract the rulers’ view to be afraid of people’s interference in policy as a threat for their government. As you know, most contemporary regimes are included in this category when Baha’ism was forming. Nobody, we are observing such despotic governments which are welcoming such unjust instructions.[3]

     Abbas Effendi says: “Serve the kings quite honestly and be obedient and well-intentioned.[4]

     Abdul Baha clearly expresses: “In forming the next nation unions, a kind of government which is superior to other ones must be gradually established which possesses the extensive organization.[5]



[1] “Amri news” magazine, the formal organ of Baha’ism, Iran, number 5, Day 1325.

[2] Ahmad Yazdani, a glance at Baha’ism religion, p. 49.

[3] Refer to the article: “I wish all people became Baha’is”, Ayyam periodical (Jam-e-Jam), Summer 1386, p. 40, narrated by Amri news, Ordibehesht, 1347, No.2, pp. 111-115

[4] Amri news magazine, the official organ of Baha’is, Iran, No 1-2, Ordibehesht-Khordad 1330.

[5] The public community of the world, the Baha’i youth publication, Tehran, 1338, p.; 18.

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