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A faith which claims for the investigation of truth: You aren’t allowed to oppose!!

Sunday, 18 December 2016 23:03 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Bahaismiran: The first principle of the twelve principles is the investigation of truth.

     Each Baha’i believes that he/she is bound to do his/her leaders’ order completely.

     Now, pointing out the explicit statement said by Shoqi Effendi, the third leader of Baha’ism, nobody can oppose against the Iranian governments oppositions? According to Shoqi Effendi’s statement, Baha’is aren’t allowed to oppose!!!

     Shoqi Effendi’s order to Baha’is concerning commenting on the political affairs:


     We as Baha’i people aren’t allowed to comment on the government whether they are just or not. Because each Baha’i has a separate view and disunity is established in the community. We must strengthen the Baha’i system and leave the deficient system of the world alone. Anvar Hedayat, p. 563.

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