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The presence of women in Zanjan revolt

Sunday, 01 January 2017 16:52 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


One of the specifications of Babis’ revolt of Zanjan city was that women were alongside with me in the war.

     The author of the book “Nikoo philosophy” writes narrating from the book “Nasekh-al-Tavarikh: it was heard that a girls who was about 15 or 16 was arming their guns with lead and gunpower and giving to them.[1] One of these ladies was Zaynab who entered into the battlefield wearing male cloth. She was called Rostam Ali. She was suddenly shot, injured too much and killed.[2] Edward Brown says in this regard: The Babi woman had cut their long ringlets and fastened around their guns which had been cracked due to continuous shootings. They were continuously acclaiming their husbands and brothers in fortifications.[3]



The Bayani champion girl in Zanjan was wearing male cloth


     Mulla Muhammad Ali was the most cunning and dangerous of Babis since he was creating a grave difficulty for the country; that is, he was sending numerous letters to English, Russian and Ottoman embassies to enter them into these conflicts. He writes in a report sent by the Russian minister plenipotentiary to his government about Zanjan sedition on September, 14, 1850: “Their chairman, Mulla Muhammad Ali asked the ambassador of the Ottoman government called sami Effendi and the minister plenipotentiary of the British government in Tehran city for interfering. However, my English co-worker believes that it is hard to accept that the Iranian government to be satisfied with the foreign interference in the issue.” (Refer to the book “Babism riot” by Ivanov, document No. 16 and also refer to the book “Amir the great and Iran” by Fereydoun Adamiyat).

     Within the conflicts and lengthening the wars between Babis, the Shiites and the governmental powers, late Amir the great consulted with the king and decided to eradicate the origin of all those violence and seditions in order to establish security and to cut each kind of foreign interference and Babis, misuse. Consequently, the order for executing “Ali Muhammad Bab” was issued from Tehran city; of course, before executing the order, Ali Muhammad Babs’ blood was devoted to the combativeness of disciples who wasn’t a bit aware of his writings, beliefs and baseless claims.

     The ponderable note regarding Zanjan events concerning Amir the great’s strong willpower; that is, cutting each kind of foreign interference and anti-national misusing Babis which have been originated from Babis’ special interests in supporting by the Russian and British embassies.

     The better fact has not only been stated by Abbott formally; but also the Babis haven’t hidden and have narrated it proudly.

     Anyway, Amir the great was determined to repress the Babi riots. For this aim, several warlords and the governmental dignitaries fought the Babi troops and many people were killed from the both sides. The other important note was the supporting Mulla Muhammad Ali Zanjani by the unknown resources in his bloody battle with the governmental troops and people. Nabil Zarandi (the Baha’i historian) writes: The other matter which caused surprise was that  the provisions were being provided for the disciples by the unknown way.

     Amanullah Shefa who was one of the keen proselytizers of Baha’ism writes: You yourselves can think that at that time Babism was weak in other parts of Iran. There were nearly nobody by finishing Tabarsi fort event in Khorasan and Mazandaran cities and nearly all Babis were killed by finishing Neyriz event. Nearly no effective person remained. Now think of this fact that who had sent and dispatched the cannons, guns, horses, swords, shields and provisions to Zanjan city. This issue strengthens the these of those who believe the Russian helped the Babis.




[1] Mehrabi, Moeen-al-Din. “Introduction”, about Gurratul Ein, the liberal and national female poet of Iran, Germany, Rouyesh publication, 1994, 184.

[2] Nocolas, Al-M, “6th, Zanjan Riot”, in the religions of civilized nations of history, Seyyed Ali Muhammad known as Bab, 1322, 487.

[3] Stenstrand’s , August J and Edward G Brown. “BABISM” Muhammad Abdullah al-Ahari. Daltaban Peyrevi. In THE’ COMPLETE CALL TO THE HEAVEN OF THE BAYAN. Chicago.: Magribine Press, 2006. 200. ISBN ISBN: 1-56316-953-3

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