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The Abolition of the commandment of the holy war is a strategy for the support of the Colonialists

Saturday, 21 January 2017 20:46 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



     Hussein Ali Nouri, the Baha’ism cult leader, introduces the commandment of the abolishing of the holy war as his first evangel of its newly emerged cult: “O’ the people who are living on earth, removing the holy war commandment is being bestowed you from the book to all creatures due to the greatest emergence.[1]

     It should surely be said that Hussein Ali Nouri abolished the thing which was acting as a strong obstacle against the Colonialism. It isn’t strange that the Colonialists support the deviant cult of Baha’ism due to Hussein Ali Nouri’s commandment. Of course, Hussein Ali Nouri must issue such verdict to be supported by the British and the Colonial government while he had been excommunicated by the Muslim community.

     It is necessary to be noted that confronting the holy war by the cult wasn’t limited to the combative wars; but according to their beliefs, defending against the aggressive has been objurgated. In this regard, Abdul Baha has compared those who defend their country against the aliens with the fierce dogs. The Excellency Bahaullah says: “God created the creature on one earth and accommodated all of them; but human beings divided the field like dogs and fought…[2].”

     The Baha’ism cult prevented the Iranian people to defend against the aggression of the authoritarians by their sly proselytizing amid World War I. one of their steps was publishing articles concerning war slander during that vital period of history.[3]





[1] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khavari, the treasurer of limitations and commandments, p. 271.

[2] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, E-book, Vol. 1, p. 410.

[3] Abdul Hussein Ayati, Al-Kawakab-al-Dorrieh, 2.232.

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