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Violence the means of Bahaism -part10

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 Punishment Committee

      Murder, assassination and cruelty can be seen among the members of the Babi cult from the first days of the emergence of Babism. According to Fereydoun Adamiyat, Babis behaved savagely with people and the governmental troops during their riots in Naseri era. They were amputating the captives’ legs and arms and making them fire, their above-mentioned savagery and cruelty can be clearly observed in the murder adventure of the third martyr (Hajj Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani, Zulqa’deh, 17, 1263 A.H.), Qurratul Ein’s paternal uncle and her father-in-law).

     The political terrorism started in the middle of 1840s A.D./ 1260s A.H. by Babism in the Iranian contemporary history. It bonded with Babism; so that, the names of “Babi” and “terrorist” in the former Qajar period were synonymous, we know that the Babis planned for Amir the great’s assassination and performed king Nasiruddin’s abortive assassination on the lunar month of Shawwal, 28, 1268 A.H./ August, 15, 1852 A.D. which ended in the seizure a group of them. From that time on, the trend continued in Iran; particularly, in constitution revolution.

     The aim of establishing the punishment committee?

     Even before establishing the committee, Baha’is killed many people to achieve their goals and establishing such committee wasn’t needed. The reason for establishing such committee was that the English people wanted to perform their aims in Iran by their spies, the Baha’is; that is, changing the government of Qajar and appointing their stooge to have more freedom and to achieve their colonial goals as soon as possible. After the emergence of Reza Khan in the political and social arena of Iran, the deviant cult of Baha’ism gained abundant freedom of action after years of being active secretly and attacked extensively against the traditional, religious and theological rudiments of the Muslim people of Iran by the supports of the colonial powers particularly English government based on pre-determined goal and plan.

     One of the most important events of the constitution revolution periods is the secret and joined assassinations centralized by “the punishment committee”; such as, the abortive assassination of Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri by one of the leaders of the punishment committee called Karim Dawatgar and then assassinating some people such as Seyyed Abdullah Behbahani. It is better to be said that the plan and turbulence of this group started when people and revolutionists were optimistic about the constitution; but it was intentionally attempted for their motivation to be pretended as religious and revolutionary.

     The Baha’i members of the punishment committee and the secret and remarkable roles played by the deviant cult of Baha’ism during those days for the colonial policies of Britain to be fulfilled are outstanding issues. The terroristic operations and the frequent murders during constitution period of time are of serious issues in creating a great and deep crisis which left mental and proselytizing and cultural influences. It created indifference in the community during four years and made the political structure of the country neutral and filthy; so that  at last, the capital city of the country was easily captured and conquered by the attack of some hundred Cossacks headed by Reza Khan Mirpanj from Qazvin city. The constitution fate turned the same as Pahlavi ominous dictatorship one by falling Qajar government.

     A sample of the punishment committee manifesto

     That the members of the punishment committee were the followers of the Baha’ism cult and had recalled by the colonial plan isn’t a claim and there are various documents to prove it.

     Several authers have also called the operation of the punishment committee as a revolutionary opposition against 1919 contract and Wosouq-al-Doleh government while the punishment committee established in the first government of Wosouq-al-Doleh in 1295 S.H. and in the peak of events after issuing constitution command and was active for merely five month (by autumn, 1296). Consequently, its function isn’t due to 1919 contract.[1]

     The founders and the main members of the committee were as follows: The brigadier-general Asadullah Khan Abul FathZadeh, the brigadier-general Ibrahim Khan MonshiZadeh, Muhammad Nazar Khan MEshkatul Mamalek, Ihsanullah Khan Doustdar, Mirza Muhammad Khan Nejat Khorasani, the commander of the army Mohyee (Mirza Karim Khan Rashti’s brother, the famous spy of England), Karim Dawatgar and Mirza Ali Akbar Ardaqi. Their biographies were exteremely embarrassed and most of them were of the members of the Baha’ism cult. The core of the punishment committee were “Abul Fath Zadeh” (as the chairman of the committee) and “Monshi Zadeh” and “Meshkatul Mamalek”. Mehdi Bamdad introduces the brigadier-general “Asadullah Khan Abul Fath Zadeh” and “Monshi Zadeh” as the followers of the Baha’ism cult in the book called “the explanation of the Iranian men”.[2] Abdullah Motewalli the author of the book “the punishment committee” confirms this issue, too. He introduces Meshkatul Mamalek as the follower of the cult in addition to the mentioned two people.[3]

     In the first terroristic operation, the chairman of the granary, Mirza Ismaeel Khan was killed. Then, they turned to assassinate Mirza Mohsen Mojtahed and Ayatollah Behbahani, the constitution leaders. They killed the chairman of customs, later on.

     After assassinating Ismaeel Khan, the chairman of Tehran city granary. A secret letter was issued by the punishment committee that had taken on the responsibility of the assassination shouting apparently revolutionary slogans, it threated other people in charge with death.

     One of the other members of the punishment committee called Ali Akbar Ardaqi mentions the secret letter in his diary and writes: “Publishing the secret letter created fear more than Mirza Ismaeel Kahn’s murder. Imadul Kettab and I were unknown people and three other people were Baha’is, too. Thus, this issue caused nobody to be supported of us… .”[4]

     Before each terroristic measure, they usually warned their victim writing a threatening letter concerning this issue that he/she must reconsider his/her policies. “the punishment committee was sending a sealed secret letter bearing a picture of a bullet to those whom the committee was going to kill, in advance and gave it to kids. The kid threw the letter into the person’s house or gave it to the house servant receiving little money and then the kid was escaping.”[5]

     After each terroristic measure, the punishment committee was introducing its victim as a barrier for the constitution desires and even as the agent of the colonial England(!). it was trying to impose a fear and ambiguous situations in the community.

     One of the victims of the committee was Mirza Abdul Hamid Khan Matin-al-Saltanel Thaqafi, the manager of “the new era” newspaper. He had published an article and attacked Ardeshir Reporter severely in Mozaffari newspaper in Boushehr city. (issues: 67 and 68 dated, the lunar month of Sha’ban, 1322 A.H.)

     Mirza Abdul Hamid Kahn Matin-al-Saltaneh Saqafi, the manager of the new era newspaper.

     After a while, the members of the committee were identified and some of them were captured. “Abul Fath Zadeh” and “MOnshi Zadeh” were secretly murdered in Semnan city on the luner month of Zulqa’deh, 1336 A.H. Additionally, “Ehsanullah Khan Doustdar escaped to Caucasus. After a short time, Mehskatul Mamalek got free.

     When the members of the punishment committee were captured, the Baha’i cult possessed such an influence in police force that could settle the case according to their desires. The influence of Baha’is in the police force started from the chairmanship of “Conte de Monte Forte” in police force of Tehran city. “Abdul Rahim Zarrabi” (a Baha’i from Kashan city) was his assistant and the magistrate of Tehran city. For  this reason, he was entitled “Abdul Rahim Kahn, the magistrate.[6]

     After the members of the punishment committee were captured, Ahmad Kahn Safa who was in charge of the above-mentioned case in the police force was murdered secretly. At that time, a group called “Simorq committee” considered “Safa” ‘s murder due to a condescension applied by the government alongside of the Baha’is in an announcement addressing the prime minister. The above-mentioned group claimed that in composing the case, merely the names of “Abul Fath Zadeh” and “Monshzadeh” have been mentioned who had been trapped contrary to the governmental attendants’ desire. Other Baha’is participations haven’t been mentioned. It’s written in the manifesto that:

     “Ehsanullah Kahn, MOntakhab-al-Doleh’s murderer, and Ahmad Agha Rouhi and Mirza Ziya’ullah who were the main members of the terrorist committee were busy enjoying themselves… We are aware of all the secrets and won’t let Baha’is to form the minister cabinets because the Baha’is start killing minister in order for them to be free to do everything… That’s only the tip of the iceberg.”[7]

     After 1299 S.H. coup and the appearance of Reza Kahn in the political and social arena of Iran, the members of the Baha’ism cult gained more freedom of action and started a special attack against the traditional and theological rudiments of the Iranian Muslim nation based on a planned program and got active to destroy the country culturally after years of being active in semi-hidden manner.[8]

     A glance at the punishment committee members’ report cards

     The brigadier-general “Asadullah Kahn Abul FathZadeh”:

     He was one of the members of Cossack brigade who was the chairman trhe chairman of the punishment committee. His background turns back “the emulation association” which had been established by “Mirza Agha Tabrizi”, the representative of Tabriz city.

     “Mehdi Bamdad” introduce him as the follower of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the book “the biography of the Iranian dignitaries (Vol. 1, p. 112) and “Abdullah Motewalli mentions that he was one of the members of the Baha’ism cult in the book “the punishment committee”. He was secretly murdered in Semnan city on the lunar month of Zulqa’deh, 26, 1336. Maybe, he was murdered for their relationship clues with the organizations relating the Colonialism to be hidden.

     The brigadier-general “Mirza Ibrahim Khan Monshi Zadeh”:

     He was born in Yerevan city and educated there. Then, he headed off towards Iran and continued his education in Darul fonoun university. Next, he turned to writing the enlightening articles in the press and also to the military. He was also on old members of the Cossack brigade and “the emulation association” in Tabriz city.

     Mehdi Bamdad and Abdullah Motewalli considers him as a Baha’i person. His fate was the same as Abul Fath Zadeh. After his name was revealed as the member of the punishment committee, he was doubtfully murdered in Semnan city.

     Davoud Monshi Zadeh

     Davoud Monshi Zadeh was the offspring of Ibrahim Monshi Zadeh and established a secret partisan group called “Soumka” to serve the United Kingdom and to destroy the national movement after Reza Khan’s escape from the country.

     Muhammad Nazar Khan MEshkatul Mamalek

     He was one the members of “the emulation association”, too. Mehdi Bamdad and Abdullah Motewalli consider him as Baha’i, too. However, his fate was different from the two previous members of the punishment committee.

     During the investigation of the punishment committee file and after the doubtful murders of Monshizadeh, Abul Fath Khan, Ahmad Khan Safa who was in charge of the above-mentioned file in the police force was also murdered doubtfully and Meshkatul Mamalek got free.

     Ehsanullah Khan Doustdar

     He was Baha’i, too. His colleagues in a party were influential in the police force. After Ahmad Khan Safa’s murder who was in charge of the punishment committee case in the police force, Ehsanullah Kahn Doustdar escaped to Caucasus and the Baha’ism agents closed the case not to be revealed.

     Ehsanullah Khan came back to Caucasus and joined the jungle movement, later on. However, Ehsanullah Khan couped against Mirza Kouchak Khan jangali and made it collapse at the time of the peak of English attacks to the jungle movement.

     Karim Dawatgar

     He was one of the adventurous insurgent people who had hired the English embassy wickedness and terroristic measures.

     He committed an abortive assassination against “Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri” in 1287 A.H. It was done when Sheikh Fazlullah posed the thesis of “the legitimate constitution”. When Sheikh Fazlullah took refuge in the Excellency Abdul Azim’s holy shrine and made people aware of the deviation of the constitution movement and changing it into an anti-religious one, he was assassinated. During Sheikh Fazlullah’s assassination, several people were injured. Nevertheless, Sheikh Fazlullah survived and Karim Dawatgar was captured. Duing the investigation, he confessed that the assassination operation has been planned in the British embassy. He even revealed the names of those who were the British embassy agents. Sheikh Fazlullah forgave Karim Dawatgar.

     However, he didn’t take lesson and served the British embassy to the end of his life. At the begging of the punishment committee establishment, Dawatgar was called to cooperate with this terroristic organization. The first official aim of the punishment committee was to assassination Mirza Isaeel Khan, the chairman of the granary. Karim Dawatgar did the terroristic measure successfully. However, he didn’t accept to be hidden for keeping the secrets of the punishment committee. Additionally, according to Emadul Kottab’s memoirs, he asked for a huge amount of money as his wage after the terroristic measure and the punishment committee concluded to kill him. Consequently, killing Karim Dawatgar wasn’t just due to controlling his extortions and to his violating the punishment committee commandments. According to his confess after Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri’s assassination, the punishment committee was worried about the secrets of the terroristic organization to be revealed by Karim Dawatgar.

     The first secretary of the German embassy in Tehran city, Ahmad Ali Khan Sepehr writes: “the captives (the members of the punishment committee) confessed and said: Finally, we decided to suggest Karim Dawatgar to respect his commitments or to exit Tehran city after receiving some money. Sorrily, Dawatgar neither accept to do his previous commitments nor receive some money to exit Tehran city after several meetings. The hostile trend of make decision for this ill-matched element… Bahadorussaltaneh informed the committee that Rashidussaoltan … disagrees Karim and accepts to act against him… In a meeting where Abul Fath Zadeh was present, it was investigated about Karim’s threats. It is added that Karim Dawatgar had revealed his trip out of Tehran city and the secrets of the committee. We were afraid for his trend to be continued and for all of our plans to be revealed.”

     Eventually, Abul Fath Zadeh ordered Rashidussoltan to meet Karim and to finish the issue. He asked to assassinate him if he hadn’t succeeded. One of the members of the punishment committee, Husseinullah says: “Karim Dawatgar was living in an ally located behind “Rajab Ali Khan’s” religious meeting place. It was


 a.m. Rashidussoltan and I went to Karim  Dawatgar’s house. I stayed in the alley and Rashidussoltan knocked at the door. A woman opened the door and identified Rashidussoltan. Rashidussoltan said to the woman: Is Karim Agha at home. The woman said: Yes. He said: Tell him Rashidussoltan is here and has an urgent word with you… .”[9]

     they killed Karim Dawatgar near the Armenian church on the night of Farvardin,14, 1296 S.H. After drinking wine with Rashidussoltan and Hussein Allah, he was shot at the back of his head by Husseinullah’s Mauser gun . Karim Dawatgar had previously enrolled there people in the punishment committee: Emadul Kottab, Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Ardaqi and Bahadorossaltaneh.

     Emadul Kottab

     His main name is “Mirza Muhammad Hussein Seiyfi  Qazvini. He is famous for his artistic title “Emadul Kottab and has revived the calligraphy school of Mirza Muhammad Reza Kalhor. He is cherished for writing the educational booklets called “the prescribed form of writing” and establishing the first calligraphy association of Iran.

     On the TV series, “Hezardastan” and “the punishment committee”, late Ali Hatami introduces Emadul Kottab as the character called Reza the calligraphy and the one whose aim is to punish the agent related to the Colonialism! Suggested by Karim Dawatgar, Emadul Kottab was enrolled in the punishment committee. During the investigation of the punishment committee case, he was captured and imprisoned for 5 years. In 1300 S.H. when he was 60, he became free from the prison; but he got bound to remain in Qom city and to be under inspection.

     When Reza Kahn ascended the throne, Emadul Kottab was summonded to the court. He became the writing agent. In 1313 S.H. The minister of culture ganted him “The first grade culture medal” and Reza Khan court granted him “a piece of previous medal.”

     He died in 1315 S.H. when he was 75 and was buried in Abdullah holy shrine at ray city. The book “the punishment committee in Emadul Kottab’s memoirs”[10]reveals some of the dimensions of his relationships with this terroristic organization.

     Mirza Ali Akbar Ardaqi

     He was Mulla Ali Ardaqi’s (known as the martyred judge) brother. He was enrolled in the punishment committee introduced by Karim Dawatgar. He specifies in his diary: “Emadul Kottab and I were unknown. Three other people (Monshi Zadeh, Abul Fath Zadeh and Meshkatul Mamalek) were Baha’is, too. Thus, the issue caused nobody to suspect us… .”[11]

     “Bahadur-al-Saltaneh Kordestani”

     He was enrolled in the punishment committee introduced by Karim Dawatgar. After the chairman of granary was assassinated, Karim Dawatgar asked for his wage via Badur-al-Saltaneh. Bahadur-al-Saltaneh and Karim Dawatgar murdered Montakhib-al-Dowleh the general treasurer in the fifth terroristic operation of the punishment committee.

     Husseinullah, the member of the punishment committee says: “Abul Fath Zadeh deceived Karim Dawatgar and said to him that the committee has issued the murder commandment of Montakhib-al-Dowleh… was shot and killed without the issuance of his murder commandment by the punishment committee. After his murder, the committee sentenced Karim Dawatgar himself Rashidussoltan and I were commissioned to assassinate him.[12]

     After Karim Dawatgar’s murder; as if, the punishment committee was concerned about the issue that Bahadur-al-Saltaneh revealed the secrets of the terroristic organization due to his relationships with Karim Dawatgar. Maybe for this reason, Bahadur-al-Saltaneh was fired from the punishment committee because of disobedience. They told Bahadur-al-Saltaneh that although the punishment committee has mentioned Montakhib-al-Dowleh’s name in the meeting; but the punishment committee hadn’t formally decided to assassinate him!


     He was Hussein Qoli Khan Khalkhali’s son and became one of the members of the punishment committee. The next day after the killed Karim Dawatgar, he was captured and imprisoned along with two members of the committee called “Seyyed Morteza” and “Mirza Abdul Hussein Sa’atsaz”. During settling the punishment committee case, Rushidussoltan was condemned to be executed by the court. He was hanged in 1297 S.H.

     The report card of the illegitimate offspring of Colonialism

     The punishment committee didn’t basically need any aims and the political gait. This terroristic organization was the illegitimate offspring of the old colonialism that was established managing “Sir Ardeshir J. Reporter”, the outstanding representative of the spying English network in Iran. It was supervied by the savage freemasonry. The organization’s apprehension was to confront the traitors of the nation and the agents related to the aliens! Its aim was to establish a despotic but so-called reformist government by creating crisis in the country.

     Thus, the punishment committee’s aim was the same as that of the old Colinialism concerning the establishment of a despotic, attached and powerful government against the probable influence of the soviet union in Iran. As the members of the democratic popular party such as “Seyyed Hassan Taqi Zadeh”, “Hussein Qoli Nawwab”, “Wahidul Malek Sheybani along with the punishment committee asked for establishing a powerful government which is dependent on the united kingdom and is independent from the clergymen. In some cases, the punishment committee introduced itself dependent on the democratic popular party formally.

     Additionally, the free masonry loge called “the Iranian awakening” was also seeking for establishing “a reforming dictatorship”. In the loge, the following members of the democratic popular party had been enrolled: Seyyed Hassan Taqi Zadeh, Hussein Qoli Nawwab, Wahid-al-Malek Sheybani, Sheikh Ibrahim Zanjani, Mehdi Khan Qaffari (was Baha’i and known as Wazir Homayoun), Ahmad Qazwini, Danirul Molk Shirazi, Seyyed Nasrullah Raqawi, Mirza Sadeq Khan Amiri Farahani (Adibul Mamalek), Hassan Pir Niya (the prime minister in Reza Khan era- he was Zoroastrian and the planner of founding the Pahlawi kingdom- he was one of the main correspondents of the British spying network in Iran), Muhammad Ali Forouqi (Zakaul Molk; the Jwish and the agent of establishing the Pahlavi kingdom- The prime minister in the period of time when the power transferred from Reza Khan to Muhammad Reza Pahlavi). Ardeshir J. Reporter and … .

     The broadminded lords of the punishment committee and the savage freemasons who were in favor of it received good wages later on. Muhammad Ali Forouqi became prime minister several times. He was the chairman of committee during the period of time when the power transferred from Qajar dynasty to Reza Khan and from Reza Khan to Muhammad Reza Pahlavi.

     In Reza Khan’s coronation ceremony, Forouqi gave a speech and called him as the heritor of the royal crown and throne of the Iranian ancient kings.

     Pirniya became the prime minister and Taqi Zadeh gained the higher positions several times and died when he was a senator.

     Sheikh Ibrahim Zanjani who was the public prosecutor who tried Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri and issued his execution commandment. Of course, he received his wage in advance and became Zanjan people’s attorney. Like Forouqi, Sheikh Ibrahim Zanajani was active in Persian literature field, too. Due to Ardeshir J. reporter’s inspiration, Sheikh Ibrahim Zanajani wrote an epistle called “the intelligent monarch” in which he theorized the necessity for founding “a peacemaker dictatorship”.


     Baha’ism equals terrorism. This isn’t a claim. This is a reality in history. This devoted cult whose main seat is in the occupied lands is being supported by the Zionistic regime. It has been expanded by bloodshed and pretending to be oppressed. Now, it is claiming for human rights.





[1] Abdullah Shahbazi, the Iranian contemporary history periodical, No. 27, pp. 45 & 46

[2] The explanation of the Iranian men, Vol. 1, p. 112.

[3] The Iranian contemporary history, No. 27.

[4] Ali Akbar Ardaqi’s memoirs, p. 51.

[5] The electronic periodical “Baharestan”, No. 17, p. 7.

[6] The Iranian contemporary history periodical, No.27, 44 and 45

[7] The same, narrate by the records of the Iranian contemporary history institute, file: 43850.

[8] Light and Shade of Baha’ism, pp. 109-113.

[9] The electronic periodical “Baharestan”. No, 17, p, 7.

[10] Attempted by Muhammad Javad Moradi Niya, Asatir publication, 1384 S.H.

[11] Ali Akbar Ardaqi’s memoirs, p. 51.

[12] The electronic periodical Baharestan, No. 17, P. 7.

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