The Baha’ism aim in confronting Shiites

Sunday, 28 May 2017 23:51 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Undoubtedly, waiting for the promised imam (P.H.) who is the hope for the pious people to perform God’s orders and to raise justice all over the world. This concept is the mere one which causes movement and dynamism for reforming life and community. Without Imam, the Shiite community will be a dead one and will be deviated.

     Suppose that a person comes and says your imam for whom you were waiting has emerged, fought and been killed…!!!

     This statement is the one that a Baha’i is going to raise in a Shiite Muslim mind. What a Baha’i preaches is a blazing fire in the hope heap.

     According to history, when Sheikism could gradually gather a limited followers in Iran and after Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s death who was Ahmad Ehsaee’s successor among Sheikis, a person called Seyyed Ali Muhammad could introduce himself as the next leader of Sheikis. Next, he claimed to be the hidden Imam by gathering followers. Most of his followers were deceived and created several wars in Iran. After Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab’s death, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, Bahaullah could introduce himself as the next leader after a conflict with his brother. He claimed the religion of Islam has been abolished by Bab’s death. So, God has determined to send a new religion called the Baha’i faith for human beings. He called himself as the prophet of the new religion and assumed himself as the one whom God will manifest. Next, Abdul Baha became his successor and then Shoqi Effendi respectively. He was without posterity and the last guardian of the Baha’i faith. After him, the leadership of Baha’is was taken over by a complicated organization called the Universal House of Justice including nine members.

     The country of Iran is the center of the world Shiites. The place where the Baha’i followers assume it as the source of Baha’i faith. Also, the security offices of Iran have taken strategies to confront the cults especially the deviant cult of Baha’ism after the victory of Islamic revolution. Since Baha’ism is a false deviant thought and is going to vanish the name and remembrance of imam of the time (May God hasten his reappearance).




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Last modified on Monday, 29 May 2017 14:59
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