Baha’ism and first & second Pahlavi

Thursday, 01 June 2017 17:20 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Although Baha’ism continues preaching being oppressed even in the Pahlavi era, it can’t hide its influence in the regime. Because even before establishing the Pahlavi regime, the Baha’i agent played an important role in Reza Khan’s ruling. Consequently, when Reza Khan ruled the country, the influence of Baha’ism expanded.

     Baha’is possessed great influence in the regime; but now when the Pahlavi regime is completely hateful for the Iranian people, they reject all their relationships with it. However, the fact is that the Baha’ism role is so outstanding even in forming the Pahlavi government.

     Therefore, a group of people consider Einul Mamalek Hoveyda as the reference of Reza Khan to Ardeshir Reporter (The English agent in Iran) (the Zamaneh Periodical, p. 39). Thus, when Reza Khan governed, the presence of Baha’is in running the government exceeded. Also, the famous Baha’is in this period of time was: Sanaiee, the special adjutant of the Prince (Muhammad Reza Pahlavi).

     In the beginning of his government, Reza Khan used Baha’is in the best way to break the social norms using anti-religion principles (such as unveiling). So, Fardoust considers the influence of the Baha’is on Reza Shah government as his optimism. (The emergence and falling of the Pahlavi kingdom, vol. 1, p. 374)


Seyyed Reza Hashemi, the footstep of atheism and dependence in Hoveyda family, the Zamaneh periodical, No. 61, Mehr 1386, p. 39.

Fardoust, the emergence and falling of Pahlavi kingdom, Bija: Ettela’at, 1370, Vol. 1, p. 374.

Refer to the book “Inquiries from the history of Baha’ism in Iran, by: Abdullah Shahbazi.


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