Baha’is are demanding the president, too!

Tuesday, 06 June 2017 09:25 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


During the turmoil of the presidential elections, several candidate for the presidential elections were shouting vague slogans concerning the recognition of the minorities’ rights formally.  Unfortunately they have made the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran hopeful. However, the freedom of the non-divine schools such as Baha’ism is against the principles of the constitution and the religious rudiments of our country people.

     According to the principle, 13 of our country constitution: The Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian Iranians are merely recognized as the religious minorities who are free in their religious ceremonies and are acting their religious teachings based on their creed. Thus, other non-divine schools and anti-religion ones such as Baha’is aren’t considered as minorities and aren’t free in their ceremonies and proselytizing.

     It seems the Baha’is are demanding something; while it is against the constitution and the Islamic rudiments of the country in which they live. Of course, contrary to their teaching concerning not interfering in policy, (Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Vol.8, pp. 246-7) the Baha’is are trying to make their faith be recognized officially and to make their prisoners free.




Jahangir Mansour, Constitution, Tehran: Doran publication, 1393 S.H. p. 34.

Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Bija: the national institute of Amri press, 434 Badi’a, Vol.8, pp. 246-7.

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