Dawning place of the Mention of God belonged to Baha’is in Tehran city

Saturday, 10 June 2017 14:22 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 The Baha’is assembly ordered for the dawning place of the mention of God to be built in Tehran in 1305 S.H. (91 years ago). By pursuing continually by Muslim scholars and people in 1334 S.H. it was ordered for this building to be destroyed.

     The national assembly of the Baha’is of Iran commissioned the Excellency Siyawash (the manager of Parsiyan company) to build the dawning place of the mention of God in a communique dated 1305 S.H. (the history of the building the central Iranian dawning place of the mention of god, p. 2). In 1334 S.H., supported by Ayatullah Broujerdi, Mr. Falsafi asked for destroying the dawning place of the mention of God. So, the Baha’ism organization published a book and considered destroying of the building as a sign of Baha’is who are oppressed in the Pahlavi era. (The events of dawning place of the mention of God in Tehran city)

     Concerning this issue, there are two notes:

Each impartial researcher knows that the Pahlavi era has been the time for plundering Iran by Baha’ism. Consequently, destroying the building isn’t a sign of Baha’ism to be oppressed in the Pahlavi era.

The fearless behavior of Baha’ism and its plan in Iran were reacted by the Iranian scholars and people. Thus, the Pahlavi regime that considered its survival preferred to that of dawning place of the mention of God agreed for the building to be destroyed.

     How did the dawning place of the mention of God build by the deviant cult of Baha’ism and how was it destroyed?


     Zarrin Taj and her execution effect on the building the dawning place of the mention of God:

     Zarrin Taj was captured and sent to Tehran city by the central government because she was accused to assassination, proselytizing and her measures against the national security. When Zarrin Taj returned to Qazvin city from Iraq, she noticed that her paternal uncle and her father-in-law Mulla Muhammad Taqi Baraqani was revealing against the deviant movement of Babism. She was accused to be involved in the direct assassination of the third martyr… Anyway, Zarrin Taj can be considered as the founder of the terroristic actions of the Babism cult.

     Nearly five years before Amir the great’s premiership, the Babism movement was created. Amir was sure about the Colonial nature of this deviant movement. So, he encounter Babism movement and executed Bab (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) in Tabriz city.

     Two years after Bab’s execution, the Colonial powers planned Naseruddin Shah’s assassination to recover the sedition. One of their plans was creating riot. When the assassination attempt failed, the king ordered Zarrin Taj Baraqani to be tried as one of the survivors of Babism movement who had played an important role in creating riot in Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s period of time. Eventually, Zarrin Taj Baraqani was killed ordered by the king Naseruddin in 1268 A.H. He was suffocated and put into a well in Tehran harbor’s master’s house. The well was filled by soil and sand.




     Finding Zarrin Taj’s bones was the forerunner of building dawning place of mention of God

     In 1303-1304 S.H., Reza Shah ordered for Tehran harbor’s master’s house to be bought for officer clubs to be built. During the building operation, Zarrin Taj’s bones were found and taken to one of the Baha’is houses located at Yosof Abad gate (collegue cross) by colonel Shoa’ullah Khan Alaee and were buried again.

     That place became a sacred place for Baha’is to be visited.


     The establishment of the central dawning place of the mention of God in Tehran city



     The Baha’is assembly ordered for the dawning place of the mention of God to be built in Tehran through a communique in 1305 S.H. (91 years ago)




     Destroying the dome of dawning place of the mention of God

     In 1334 S.H., the clergyman Muhammad Taqi Falsafi asked for destroying the dawning place of the mention of God supported by Ayatullah Broujerdi. After destroying the dome of the building, the heads of the Baha’ism organization to seek remedies to prevent repeating such events.






 Also, Sabet Pasal, the head of the Baha’is economic activities was commissioned to busy all the northern, southern, eastern and western sides of the dawning place of mention of God houses and lands in order not to be bought by Muslims and to be changed into mosques.


      The rest of the building was a base for SAWAk:

     Later on, Tymour Bakhtiyar used the building as the second pillar of the army and also SAWAK was inquiring in this place.

     The dawning place of the mention of God after the Iranian Islamic revolution:

     This building was rebuilt dated Tir, 17, 1392 S.H. and used as a mosque and a cultural complex. 


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