How was the Baha’is Ridwan feast formed?

Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:57 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


There are nine illegitimate days in the Baha’i year which remind the most important days and the historical events in this false faith. The deviant c

ult of Baha’ism cancels its administrative, financial and commercial activities in these days. One of these days is Ordibehesht, 1th which is called Ridwan or Gol feats. It is also called the king of feasts. The feats is 12 days.

     Hussein Ali Nouri who had been captured and imprisoned accused by involving in king Naseruddin’s assassination was exonerated prince Dalgourki’s –the Russian embassador- mediation and was exiled on Day, 22, 1232 S.H. He headed off toward Baqdad along with several members of his family, the Iranian government agent and the deputy of the Russian embassy. He entered into Baqdad city on Farvardin, 19, 1232. Hussein Ali Nouri and other Babis have been exiled for nine years in Baqdad city; but there were quarrels among Hussein Ali Nouri, his brother Yahya Sobhi Azal and their followers. Following the quarrels, the Ottoman government decided to exile them from Baqdad city. For this reason, Hussein Ali Nouri and his followers were exiled to a garden called Najibiyeh –out of Baqdad city- for 12 days.

     Entering Najib Pasha’s garden, Hussein Ali Nouri called himself the one whom God will manifest. He claimed he had been the one whom Ali Muhammad Shirazi (Bab) had annunciated. For this reason, the deviant cult of Baha’ism has considered such day as the start of God’s emergence in Hussein Ali Nouri’s inner body. Baha’is cancel their businesses and dance and call this day as the first day of the greatest Ridwan feast. Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal was the first one who stood against Hussein Ali Nouri’s claim and rejected his claim extremely. He was Hussein Ali Nouri’s brother. He believed that Ali Muhammad Shirazi has elected him as his successor. For this reason he was hated by Hussein Ali Nouri and his followers.


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