Who is Hojabr Yazdani?

Sunday, 18 June 2017 08:41 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Hojabr Yazdani was from Sangsar city. He was born in a bigoted Baha’I family. He was supported by Abdul Karim Ayadi and the Iranian king. He was buying lands and bank shares ordered and supported by the Universal House of Justice and the Zionists. Baha’ism was plundering Iran via him extensively, too.

     Supported by the Universal House of Justice (the Baha’ism leadership foundation) and the Zionists in Pahlavi era, Hojabr Yazdani was purchasing lands and the Iranian banks. He was guarded all the time. He was leading the Baha’ism all in Iran supported by Abdul Karim Ayadi and the king himself.

     In his diary book, Hussein Fardoust writes mentioning some Baha’i plundering in faking possession of Muslim pastures in Sangsar headed by Hojabr Yazdani (spider’s webs, p. 52): “supported by Ayadi, Hojabr Yazdani turned into a power. He bought many lands in Kermanshah, Mazandaran, Isfahan and etc. it got clear for me that all of them belonged to Baha’ism and Yazdani traded with his name but in favor of Baha’ism. (the emergence and falling Pahlavi kingdom, vol.1, p. 375)

      Hojabr Yazdani in several press before the Islamic revolution victory.

     Hojabr Yazdani’s finality:

     Hojabr Yazdani was captured and imprisoned in Qasr prison accused to possess the public properties illegally including 400 hectares of the governmental lands in Ardistan, Yazd city and to battery of Jahanbakhsh Anhari that ended in his death and to write bad check in Melli Bank Hafiz branch.

     He escaped the prison on Bahman, 21, 1357 along with Moharrari, the then chairman of prison organization and went to Latin America. Then he went to Costa Rica and became an animal husbandman along with a Senator called Ali Rezaee. After the Islamic Revolution, his properties were dispossessed.

     Eventually, Hojabr Yazdani died on Farvardin, 29, 1389 in Costa Rica when he was 76.



-       Javad Navaeiyan, spider webs, Mashhad: Khorasan artistic and cultural institute publication, p. 52.


-       Hussein Fardoust, the emergence and falling of the Pahlavi kingdom, Bija, Ettela’at, 1370, vol. 1, p. 375.

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