The Baha’ism’s impudence beyond 15th of Khordad movement

Tuesday, 25 July 2017 13:08 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

A note for those who claim for the unity of the humane world


After the Pahlawi regime’s attack to Feyzieyh and Talebieh theological schools in Qom and Tabriz cities and arresting Imam Khomeyni (P.H.), the 15th of Khordad rising was formed against the Pahlawi regime. To control the circumstances, the king regime massacred nearly 5000 people. However, the Baha’ism organization praised his action done by the Pahlawi regime!

     Following the savage attacks by the agents of the king’s regime to Feyzieh (1342/1/2) and Talebieh theological schools, Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) gave his famous speech on Khordad 13, 1342 to condemn Shah regime which was ended in Imam arresting. (The Iranian history after Islam, p. 806)

     In this way, 15th of Khordad rising was formed and the Pahlawi regime dominated and controlled the affairs killing 5000 people savagely. After the dreadful crime, Baha’ism praised the heavy-headed of the Pahlawi regime (Ibid, p. 807). On Khordad 20/1342/ the national assembly of Baha’is sent an encouraging letter to general rising as the violation of hoodlums and appreciated the general in coercing people: “The history of the Baha’is faith will record your name in the list of guardian of the unity of the humane world (Imam Khomeyni’s movement, Vol. 1, p. 1516)




-       Iqbal Ashtiyani, the Iranian history after Islam, Bija, Namak press, 1383.


-       Rouhani, Imam Khomeyni’s movement, Tehran, 15th edition, 1381, The Baha’i assembly letter to Khosrawani, dated 1342/3/20, No. Kh/123.

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