A visit in the street

Tuesday, 25 July 2017 11:19 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Written by: Mahnaz Raoufi


A return to a memoir


The following story is an unexpected visit between Mrs. Rastegar and Mr. Mansouri in a street. Both of them were Baha’is from Sanandaj city. Mr. Mansouri turned against Baha’ism since he had figured out via searching the truth that Baha’ism is a false faith. So, he had been excommunicated by the Baha’is. However, Mrs. Rastegar was still considered as a Baha’i and was active in the local assemblies and meetings of Baha’is. The following is the first part of the story.


     I was waiting for taxi in the street. Each can was full of passengers. I got bored. A white Paykan cab suddenly stopped several meters ahead of me. I asked me to get on. The Paykan driver was a man of nearly fourty five wearing suit seemed to be a gentleman. It insisted me to get on. I mentioned my destination. He said: Mrs. Rastegari, why don’t you get on? As if, you didn’t identify me? Aren’t you Raha? I said: Yes, and I got on surprisingly. The driver smiled kindly. First, he asked about my parents’ health. Next, he said to me: Do you return from the ethic class? I said: Are you one of the friends? He said: I am Mansouri. Pouya’s maternal uncle. Didn’t you recognize me? Why do you bother yourself too much to participate in the classes? Are these trouble really useful? I said: For the sake of the Excellency Bahaullah’s love. He said: Do you know Bahaullah. Do you know who he is. Do you devote your life just because of the false definition about him? I said: I don’t know him and I don’t think everybody can recognize him perfectly. Because he is beyond our small mind. He said: I swear you by God. You made a mistake because God is deserved to be said so. I said: He doesn’t differ from God. He said: tell me if he doesn’t differ. What is Hussein Ali’s feature that has made him not differ from God? I shocked and realized that his words were logical and true. Since I didn’t really know Baha. The family and teachers had kept us out of our mind too much that we weren’t allowed to ask about him. For a moment, I felt that I worship an idol called Hussein Ali Baha. Since, I hadn’t even seen his photo, too. Because no Baha’i was allowed to see his photo. In fact, I was worshiping him blindly.

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