Note: The Russian ambassador acted as the connector between the deviant cult of Baha’ism and the Russian intelligent service!

Saturday, 29 July 2017 11:18 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Hussein Ali Nouri’s family members were all working in the Russian embassy.

Hussein Ali Nouri’s elder brother –Mirza Hassan Nouri- was the secretary of the Russian embassy and possessed a special rank. Hussein Ali Nouri’s sister’s husband –Mirza Majid Ahi- was the secretary of the Russian ambassador according to Muhammad Ali Feizi’s writing. His house was even located nearly the Russian embassy.

     Muhammad Ali Feyzi writes in the book “the Excellency Bahaullah page 78 line 6: “(Hussein Ali) entered into Mirza Majid Khan Ahi, his sister’s husband’s, house which was located nearby the Russian embassy.”

     Why were Mirza Abbas Nouri’s kids working at the Russian embassy? According to Baha’is Mirza Abbas Nouri was Muhammad Shah Qajar’s minister. Why didn’t he keep and employ them to work with himself? Why did he agree his daughter to get married with the ambassador’s secretary? Why was Nisa Khanum’s house –Hussein Ali ‘s sister- located nearby the Russian embassy? Why was this family working in the Russian embassy while they were Iranian? How did the Russian government trust them to assign these posts? What did they do to attract the Russian government trust?

     Mirza Abbas Nouri who was one the correspondents of Muhammad Shah Qajar. How much was he honest at work?


     When Hussein Ali Nouri was captured due to king Naseruddin’s assassination case, the Russian ambassador defended him and didn’t let him be executed?

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