Ayatollah Montazeri’s view regarding the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Monday, 31 July 2017 12:53 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


 Not long ago, one of the Baha’i press published one of Ahmad Montazeri’s offspring  dialogues and to introduce Hussein Ali Montazeri as the supporter of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.

     The Excellency Ahmad Montazeri, it had better for you study father’s diary book, vol.1, p. 182 before introducing your father as the supporter of Baha’is.

     “After executing Ayatullah Broujerdi’s verdict in Najaf Abad I came to Isfahan city to speak with Isfahan scholars. Mr. Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Najaf Abadi assisted and issued a brief text against Baha’ism; next, I asked for Najaf scholars to decree. Among them, late Ayatullah Mr. Hajj Seyyed Jamal Golpaygani answered the best: in the name of god. Having social intercourse and transacting with this deviant tribe which has harmed the religion, nation and the government are illegitimate. It is necessary to avoid them. As the Excellency Ayatollah Broujerdi wrote his verdict. His commandment is obligatory to be performed and disagreeing with him is illegitimate like atheism.”

     The Excellency Ahmad Montazeri, according to your father’s view who has been the causer of this decree Baha’ism is a deviant and deviating group and having social intercourse and transaction with them is illegitimate like atheism!

     It seems the Excellency Ahmad Montazeri is deviating his father’s view to become famous in the cyberspace. Of course, he wants to be famous in the media assemblies to exploite in the future. Of course, the Excellency Ahmad Montazeri has forgotten Mohammad Montazeri’s martyrdom in the terroristic operation of Monafeqin cult in the central office of the Islamic Republic party in 1360. The Excellency Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) addressed Ayatullah Montazeri condoling him: “… Although all martyrs of the revolution and the dear martyrs who martyred Sunday night were our and your brothers and our nation mourned for them and the enemies of Islam became happy with their martyrdoms; but I know your dear offspring that I should congratulate you for his education. He knew the Islamic values as long as he knew himself and having into campaigning against the tyrants having commitment and motivation.”


     The Excellency Ahmad Montazeri, it is better for you to pay attention to the history of revolution!!!

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