The forged prophet of Baha’ism who has been unable to miracle didn’t consider miracle as a reason for rightfulness of the divine prophets and claimed: “The prophets’ miracles aren’t definite reasons for their legitimacy and the validity of their teachings; but the divine words of the divine prophets are the greatest and clearest sign of their manifestation.[1]”
The answer to the Baha’ism leader’s claim:
1) According to Islam, miracle is the reason for proving prophethood claimant not the reason for the correctness of his teachings because the correctness of teachings will be proved by means of wisdom. Because people consider the claimant of prophethood as a human like themselves. They need miracle to prove his claim with the invisible world:
"قَالُوا إِنْ أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُنَا تُرِيدُونَ أَنْ تَصُدُّونَا عَمَّا كَانَ يَعْبُدُ آبَاؤُنَا فَأْتُونَا بِسُلْطَانٍ مُبِينٍ [ابراهیم/10]"
“They said: Ye are but mortals like us, who would fain turn us away from what our fathers used to worship. Then, bring some clear warrant.” [Ibrahim/ 10]
2) How doesn’t the made prophet of Baha’is consider the miracle of the holy Quran and its eloquence as adequate while he considers the prophets’ words as the clearest sign of manifestation and believes it isn’t a proof and can be interpreted by others.[2]”
However, how does Hussein Ali Baha consider the divine texts as interpretable and introduce it as the greatest sign of the prophets’ legitimacy? Nevertheless, he doesn’t consider miracle (which is considered a definite reason for correctness of prophet’s claim) as valid?! How can Hussein Ali’s contradictory words be justified?!