Ali Muhammad Shirazi has confessed: “All the verses which God has effused by my tongue are perished comparing one letter of the holy Quran.[1]: he has also declared: “My words aren’t equal to one letter of the Household of the prophet’s (P.H.) prayers.[2]”
Apart from these confessions, the leader of Babism and Baha’ism has declared contradictory words: “This unit is the same as the holy Quran’s one which is outward and inward and the first and the last and also is the distinction between truth and false. The difference is that the words have advance for 1270 years.[3]” he has also said: “The book Bayan is the emergence of the Messenger of Allah (P.H.). This book is the same as the holy Quran which has been sent down in the noblest manner in futurity[4].”
The leader of Babism and Baha’ism can be considered as a bipolar person because he has sometimes assumed himself as a Shiite Muslim man and sometimes has claimed for Islam abolishment.
[1] Ali Muhammad Shirazi, Adlieyeh leaf of page, p. 5.
[2] Ibid, p. 7.
[3] Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Arabic Bayan, handwriting copy
[4] Ibid, p. 55.